NO, it because well meaning, well educated, middle class parents are putting their toddlers on the same 'latest fad' or vegatarian, of vegan or whatever unnatural variation of diet they put themselves on. Kids need a balanced diet and that includes meet and fat and dairy.
You will have to give source on that because that is not reality as I see it. Kids are spoiled these days. If they don't want to eat what their parents cook them they don't have to, and they resolve to whatever else is the house, which is usually white bread, or white pasta or the like, probably because most people rarely have whole grian products in their homes and besides children don't like them. When I was in high school, in HIGH SCHOOL, they complained about that the school served whole grain pasta.
Also, if people would replace their white flour products with whole grain, there wouldn't be such a thing as "folic acid defiency". Governments regulating folic acid enrichment in white flour, how sad!
You're very certain about that. What's you source ? I remember at least one kid on the news being taken into care due to damn hippy shit parents feeding him 'grain' and 'pulses'.
I actually meant a high protein, high fat, low carbonhydrates diet, a.k.a ketogenic diet. If you want to know the results of that you can check it's authors.
And by the way, I'm suggesting the best diet for longevity and performance is based on fresh vegetables, and a rather limited amount of cereals.
What bothers me is the nutcase minority that picket outside UK schools telling kids that drinking cows mink is unnatural, unholly, poisonous, etc. Gaaaa! Me Angry!
You know what bothers me is that most people who think that milk is good and necessary usually get their information from the milk package.
I'm sure when my teeth fall out I'll be eating less steak
And the way Tesla is held up as some sort of demi-god these days... right up there with Mr Hubbard. What a couple of fruitloops. It's just mystic crap, and casting David Bowie as Tesla didn't help
If only L-Ron had taken to eating buckets of prunes the world would be a better place.
It's sad that you know nothing about this man. But why don't I ask you this, should I take my dietary guidelines from a proven genius (and while food and mental performance is the issue) or the Great poster pocketmoon66?