I'm gonna try this!

Have you ever heard of a meat having disease fighting nutrients? Antioxidants? Any of that stuff? Have you noticed how most people die of cancer and heart disease, where meat and wheat (which also are very dense in calories) certainly haven't had any preventing effect on, rather the opposite. If you look for people still at old age being active, you'll probably see most of them are vegetarians and vegans. And if they're not, then Hello, I'm Jim Fixx, and I'm dead now.

Not true. My kids are vegetarian and the wife and I are nearly. My oldest relative is 92 and eats meat daily. He eats very little though. As for the wheat trendy thing, bread has been a staple for thousands of years. If you're a celiac then don't eat it, else it's likely not bad unless you're overindulging.

Now if I could just drink less...;)
If you look for people still at old age being active, you'll probably see most of them are vegetarians and vegans.


No, the people you mean are actually 40 and only look like they're 70.
If you look for people still at old age being active, you'll probably see most of them are vegetarians and vegans.

That's got to be wrong, luckily :) Although reduced calorie in take has been shown to lead to longevity in mice and Okinawans.

Despite having our share of "Mc Kids" (fat, pale, lazy, burgermunching oiks) there's a growing problem in the UK with undernourished kids because thier parent don't feed 'em enough meat and dairy!

Commens sense (and old wives) say eat a balanced diet and all things in moderation.

Oh and that crap about the pig ... think about how rice grows. In fields full of shit. So you're eating tiny white poos. Yum :)
Further more, he told that whatever they eat becomes flesh on their bones within three hours. ¨¨

Or if Kevin is a dumbass.

Its pretty much a given that hes a dumbass. If whatever pigs ate became flesh on their bones within three hours, there would be no world hunger.
Despite having our share of "Mc Kids" (fat, pale, lazy, burgermunching oiks) there's a growing problem in the UK with undernourished kids because thier parent don't feed 'em enough meat and dairy!

No, it's probably because they eat too much white bread, either because they aren't served enough 'real' food or they are spoiled kids who don't want to eat what their parents cook the. Additionally, their parents probably don't know any more vegetables than cucumber. Spinach, for example, has all the essential proteins, and lots of vegetable are rich in calcium (among other minerals).

Furthermore, no one has ever died eating exclusively vegetables. The same can't be said about meat.

Oh and that crap about the pig ... think about how rice grows. In fields full of shit. So you're eating tiny white poos. Yum :)

It's not like it's bothering me, it's the violently ill part that interests me.

By the way, Tesla turned vegan at the end of his life, should have done that sooner though.
meh...moderation's the key. I was vegan once for 3 months. Cheese killed me - soy cheese is rank.
Anyway, try doing regular business trips to China and Mexico while being vegan without looking rude...
Its pretty much a given that hes a dumbass. If whatever pigs ate became flesh on their bones within three hours, there would be no world hunger.
If you have an amount of food to feed all hungry humans, you dont need to give it to pigs to turn it into flesh?
If you have an amount of food to feed all hungry humans, you dont need to give it to pigs to turn it into flesh?

That is simply not true, think of it this way.
Which has more calories, 1 kg of cabbage or 1kg of pork?

According to this magical fellow 1kg cabbage magically transforms into 1kg of pork. That would actually make it so more calories were available.
I don't know about violently ill but I do get ill if I consumed the normal serving size of pork. I get nauseated and I'll vomit eventually and have to be in bed for the rest of the day. I can eat about a quarter of the serving size and be all right. And I don't need to fast of pork for a month either for it to happen. It's been like this since I was little. Sad really I do like pork. I still consume pork, but only in small portion, though I do tend to go over my limit and be sick for the day.

Other food that can make me ill, each with its own thing, peanuts, garlic, ginger, turmeric and a few other spices. I can consume about a small amount of them and still be all right, but I’ll get ill on garlic bread or dish with lots of garlic with asthmatic like symptoms.
No, it's probably because they eat too much white bread..

NO, it because well meaning, well educated, middle class parents are putting their toddlers on the same 'latest fad' or vegatarian, of vegan or whatever unnatural variation of diet they put themselves on. Kids need a balanced diet and that includes meet and fat and dairy.

Furthermore, no one has ever died eating exclusively vegetables. The same can't be said about meat...

You're very certain about that. What's you source ? I remember at least one kid on the news being taken into care due to damn hippy shit parents feeding him 'grain' and 'pulses'.

It's not like it's bothering me, it's the violently ill part that interests me. .

What bothers me is the nutcase minority that picket outside UK schools telling kids that drinking cows mink is unnatural, unholly, poisonous, etc. Gaaaa! Me Angry!

By the way, Tesla turned vegan at the end of his life, should have done that sooner though.

I'm sure when my teeth fall out I'll be eating less steak :) And the way Tesla is held up as some sort of demi-god these days... right up there with Mr Hubbard. What a couple of fruitloops. It's just mystic crap, and casting David Bowie as Tesla didn't help ;) If only L-Ron had taken to eating buckets of prunes the world would be a better place.
Most nutritional needs can be met with a vegan diet, with some work.
Some require more work than others.
Vitamin B12 is one notable example that is not present in most vegetable foods, though it is readily available in meat and dairy.

A naively implemented vegan diet that fails to account for B12 will lead to anemia and progressively worse nerve damage.
Most vegan processed foods are fortified with B12 for this reason, and supplements are often recommended.

Still, that's more work than just eating vegetables.
For me, Vegetarians are odd, Vegans are extremely odd, but the nuttiest of all are those who live on a completely raw food vegetarian diet.

It must be incredibly difficult to stick to this sort of diet but, more pertinently, why would you want to?
For me, Vegetarians are odd, Vegans are extremely odd, but the nuttiest of all are those who live on a completely raw food vegetarian diet.

It must be incredibly difficult to stick to this sort of diet but, more pertinently, why would you want to?

If I had to eat only vegetables, they would be raw for the most part. The only vegetable I prefer cooked (that I can think of offhand) is corn. Carrots, celery, lettuce, cauliflower, turnips etc, I'll have mine raw. With a nice dip. :)

However, I'm not giving up meat anytime soon. In fact if I had to kill a member of PETA every day to maintain that diet, I would, and gladly. In fact its not a bad idea, I just might start doing that for the sport. Whenever I go to dinner with a vocal vegetarian/vegan I always make sure to order the veal.