I'm going to exercise on the Bowflex!

sytaylor said:
How high up is the bar you're using?!!!
not high at all.. I could just reach up and pull.
It no longer hurts::D
It's attached to one of the machines.
nelg said:
DW and Geo,

So has the dedication wavered?

Well, I was out of town for a week, so I have an excuse. Starting up again today. Thanks for pestering tho. :LOL:
John Reynolds said:
Eye of the tiger, dudes, eye of the tiger. :p

Do I get partial credit for the sweat I worked up wrestling with a couple acres of leaves this weekend? Damn, this huge yard thing with hundreds of trees (mostly Oak) surrounding it is not quite an unmixed blessing. I came in, groaned, sat down at my PC, and ordered a gas leaf blower on Amazon. :LOL:
digitalwanderer said:
I will happily settle for Eye of the Kittay right now... :???:

If you saw Oli the Dragoncat sitting at the sliding door to the patio, lusting after the squirrels who are frantically gorging/hording the squirrel food we put on the patio table, yes you would. :LOL: There are about five of them at any given moment, in pure chinese fire-drill (they have serious winters here, and the squirrels are damn serious about getting ready for them).
nelg said:

How long have you had your machine for and how do you like it?

About a month. I love it. It's big and solid, and does lots of stuff. But then I was never into free weights. I want quick, reliable, versatile, easy to use, and safe to use alone. It does all of that.

The weight is at all three points (lat bar, leg/curl attachment, and main attachment) simultaneously, so there is no cable changing at all. Attachments are easy/quick/reliable to get on/off (second or two). The squat attachment is a bit tricky. The rowing thing is nice for a bit of cardio on days between workouts.

If machines are your thing, unless you're into the social aspect, I can't imagine why you'd want to do circuit at a gym rather than have this badboy in the basement if you can afford it (yes, it wasn't cheap --but something I'll actually use is far cheaper than a gym membership I won't; and I wouldn't).
Ok, my brother started a thread at EB about this so I thought I'd resurect this one to help motivate me even more.

John Reynolds lost 14 lbs in the last three weeks, and I can't let him out do me!

I just drug out my scale for the first time since my last cardio visit and I'm weighing in right now at a svelte 230 lbs. That's 12 lbs less than my last cardio appointment, so at least I'm going in the right direction....

My fighting weight I'm aiming for is 180, but I'll settle for anything under 200 right now.

I'll be posting a weekly update on my weight, just to shame myself into losing some of it. :oops:
While we're on the subject, I seem to be able to keep my body a little too easily these days. Going to teh gym is habbit, doesn't seem all that difficult and I can eat bad food. Yet my body is unquestionably the best it has ever been. To say where we are in january, that's nuts.
nelg said:
Its time to hear from geo.

Geo, until a week ago, had taken to splitting wood with an axe as his winter exercize, to keep the wood-burning fireplace in his office fed. Then I tweaked my surgically-repaired back (not splitting wood, however) and for the last week been not doing much of anything but moving around like a really old man (instead of just a middle-aged one).

I've been thinking of trying some of the bowflex lat tower things a bit tho to see if it actually helps stretch the back out a bit.
sytaylor said:
Best way to make progress is to measure it.
Thus why I pulled out my scale and am publically posting it to shame meself into losing it, I'll post it once a week.

geo said:
I've been thinking of trying some of the bowflex lat tower things a bit tho to see if it actually helps stretch the back out a bit.
I love the lat tower! Not only does it stretch out my back and make it feel more flexible, (and I'm already pretty flexible), but it also does wonders for the shoulders for me. :)

Oh, and it makes my bitch titties feel tighter and less girly....I think that's important too. ;)