I'm going to exercise on the Bowflex!

radeonic2 said:
Perhaps with your heart condition you shouldn't push your self :???:
I'm not, I'm being careful.

I know I can push myself harder than my body can go, so now I sort of watch it. With hindsight I can tell that I DID know that before my heart attack, but I never had such severe ramifications from doing it before. :???:

I know better now, so I'm careful.
digitalwanderer said:
I'm not, I'm being careful.

I know I can push myself harder than my body can go, so now I sort of watch it. With hindsight I can tell that I DID know that before my heart attack, but I never had such severe ramifications from doing it before. :???:

I know better now, so I'm careful.
Good boy:)
My dad's dad died from a heart attack simply putting up a fence with some help.
Oh gawd.
I leg pressed 435 pounds 12 reps 3 sets and damn I felt it.
I could barely stand for a few minutes and I was very winded.
Then when I tried to eat dinner I nearly thoughup(I was drinkin alot of water), so I just grabbed a chocolate power bar.
Well atleast I did 100 more lbs vs last week.
This is the first time my legs have ever been sore after working out:smile:
I also did some workout with the bar with 35 lbs to work the forearm and wrist.
radeonic2 said:
Not enough info to reply:?:

Sorry radeonic2, it seems we both dug up this thread simultaneously. The question was for DW. Has he lost interest already or forgotten to post?
nelg said:
Sorry radeonic2, it seems we both dug up this thread simultaneously. The question was for DW. Has he lost interest already or forgotten to post?
Nine days in a row here, either rowing or circuit. Dang that's a flexible machine. The preacher curl thingie is a little humbling tho --I suspect that way out at the end of a long cable run like that the felt weight isn't all that close to the listed weight. At least this is what I tell myself. ;)
geo said:
Nine days in a row here, either rowing or circuit. Dang that's a flexible machine. The preacher curl thingie is a little humbling tho --I suspect that way out at the end of a long cable run like that the felt weight isn't all that close to the listed weight. At least this is what I tell myself. ;)

IIRC you purchased the Ultimate. If so and you want to try a real killer bicep exercise, try a seated negative bicep curl.
nelg said:
IIRC you purchased the Ultimate. If so and you want to try a real killer bicep exercise, try a seated negative bicep curl.

I'll look it up and give it a go tomorrow. :smile:
One of these days I'll have to try a Bowflex and see how it compares to the feel of working out with free weights (the preference of *real* men <g>).
John Reynolds said:
One of these days I'll have to try a Bowflex and see how it compares to the feel of working out with free weights (the preference of *real* men <g>).

yeah, men who *really* like to shower with other men.
Cartoon Corpse said:
yeah, men who *really* like to shower with other men.

Ugh, worst part of basic training and high school gym class. If I want a sausage 'fest I'll go to an IHOPs, thank ou. You just gotta' appreciate the manliness of those guys who stand in locker rooms buck naked while having a conversation with each other. . .for like a half-hour.
John Reynolds said:
Ugh, worst part of basic training and high school gym class. If I want a sausage 'fest I'll go to an IHOPs, thank ou. You just gotta' appreciate the manliness of those guys who stand in locker rooms buck naked while having a conversation with each other. . .for like a half-hour.

i've been uncomfortable with it since the practice was 'thrust' on me in middle school gym class. no particular shame, just a very uncomfortable groove to it for me.
See, now, that whole "thrust", "groove", "shame", and "uncomfortable" thing just really went somewhere I'm not sure you intended. . .
John Reynolds said:
Ugh, worst part of basic training and high school gym class. If I want a sausage 'fest I'll go to an IHOPs, thank ou. You just gotta' appreciate the manliness of those guys who stand in locker rooms buck naked while having a conversation with each other. . .for like a half-hour.

i guess LB can appreciate that even more....:LOL:
John Reynolds said:
One of these days I'll have to try a Bowflex and see how it compares to the feel of working out with free weights (the preference of *real* men <g>).

I need to do the same. I still have a squat rack in my basement that rarely gets used - it's just too hard to push real weight without a spotter and time constraints (job, travel, kids, sleep) have made that basically impossible for 3 years running. I've always been partial to free weights because they develop the "assist" muscles used in balance. As such they translate to real world muscle use more effectively and, from what I know, result in fewer injuries outside the gym.

Still, something with no weights to lug onto bars that's safe to use without a spotter has appeal these days...