Ign Hands On Lost Planet And Dead Rising

I love zombie movies so Dead Rising peaked my interest at first. But after watching the 720p trailer released on xbox live marketplace I probably wont get it. I was hoping for a survival game set during a zombie apocolypse in the vein of the Romero films. But the gameplay seems very shallow and has a cartoony slapstick feel. Sort of a cross between Grabbed By the Ghoulies and State of Emergency. I actually got bored watching the trailer.

Ill wait for RE5
Ben-Nice said:
Dead Rising...not so good

What makes you say that, I read the article, and to me it sounded like they are looking forward to seeing it

IGN said:
Still scheduled as a second-quarter release, Dead Rising is looking like one of the more unique titles to come out on the Xbox 360. Offering a mix of simple RPG elements with large-scale, mindless killing, it could be a refreshing experience.
Has anyone seen the movie "Shaun of the Dead" ? If they could translate the humour from that movie to Dead Rising it might be fun but judging from the game trailer it's more like State of Emergency.
Dr Evil said:
What makes you say that, I read the article, and to me it sounded like they are looking forward to seeing it

Xbox 1 graphics and it's like 3-5 hours long. Personally I'm all set for $60.
Ben-Nice said:
Xbox 1 graphics and it's like 3-5 hours long. Personally I'm all set for $60.

Its not just 3-5 hours long

The idea is to play it through a few times and depending on how many secrets you find or people you rescue,etc. the ending changes. Certainly not conventional but i'm willing to give it a chance before writing it off as a 3-5 hour game.

And hardly xbox 1 grfx.
Ben-Nice said:
Xbox 1 graphics and it's like 3-5 hours long. Personally I'm all set for $60.

Well good to see your powers of perception are so strong.

First of all, the game is 3-5 hours if you stand there and do NOTHING. If you actually play it stretches out to 10-15 hours, AND you will not be able to unlock the real ending on your first play through.

Secondly, anyone whose watched the 720p gameplay trailer that's been on live for MONTHS would tell you the GFX are very nice, and not even close to XBOX1....but just keep judging based on screenshots! Despite a fact a 2minute gameplay trailer already exists...
why is there so much hate? those pics are i'm sorry crap. probably in motion with dozens and dozens of zombiez it looks better but ... yeah thats it
Dead Rising being short is somehow a problem I recon, but once you see the trailer (Trailer 3 HD). I think you'll just forget about that... The game looks incrediby fun!

It also reminds me of Climax games like Blue Stinger and Illbleed for some reason, and that's an excellent thing, since I'm a fan of these games.
Dead Rising looks like the Mall level of Illbleed, but with a ton more of action, tons of zombies and next gen graphics.

Let's just hope the escort missions aren't too numerous, other than that, mass brawling with hundreds of zombies in 60FPS, from Capcom and directed by Inafune, on principle alone, I say "Sold!".
tema said:
Dead rising look downgraded. These are 2nd gen Xbox360 games are they not?

What's all this noise about 2nd gen XBox360 titles...
Sofar there have only been PORTS... (Or multi-platform games = using least common denominator.)
So IMO those games (Lost Planet/Dead Rising...) are 1st gen XBox360 titles.
Ingenu said:
So IMO those games (Lost Planet/Dead Rising...) are 1st gen XBox360 titles.

I would consider anything that was IN development before the console launched to be first gen.

Un-rushed first gen. :)

Agreed though the game looks worse now than the last set of preview shots. Either they scaled some stuff back or the PR person releasing these is incompetent.
New hands-on preview:


The last batch of screenshots were ass but this guy seems to have some good things to say:

BritXbox said:
What immediately struck me about the game was the character models. I'd watched a couple of the early trailers and some of the character models in that looked blocky and basic. In the version I played they looked exactly one thousand times better (I measured), however, due to the early build they didn't move their lips and everything looked really shiny in the cut scenes.

Perhaps the most striking aspect of Dead Rising is the sheer amount of zombies on screen at any one time. Now, I read sentences like that and cynically think: "Yeah, I bet there's about 20!" But I was amazed to see easily more than 200 zombies walking around each area.