BenSkywalker said:
Argh... yes, it is.
This, along with most of the rest of your post, is talking about how submersive a game is, not gameplay.
Wait and see.
And to this day, more people enjoy the 2D Pac-Man then the 3D ones. Moving a game to 3D opens up new gameplay mechanics, the visuals are simply a side effect as far as gameplay is concerned.
Whats the diffrence between your discreet units of "gameplay" and "game play mechanics"? HA! It would appear to me that the diversity and what gameplay could be achieved is dependent upon your "gameplay mechanic" (and thus graphics). End of story, graphics define gameplay.
Immersiveness yes, gameplay no. Would the game play any different because of the headset? No.
Oh yes. Imagine playing SC or MGS with headset as described. The gameplay advantages would be huge in terms of how we navigate the mission, explore the level, or run upto an enemy. Or attacking multiple enemies.
Imagine the gameplay advantages with VirtuaFighter4 with a headset. Your telling me that the gameplay potential and that which is realised wouldn't go up a massive amount when your actually there, seeing what your character is, as the moves unfold and you counter? Or how you could quickly snap your head around to see the guy appraoching from behind?
I think the gameplay advantages would be enormous.
Enemies wouldn't have to be neutered down in their abilities and numbers to co-inside with the lack of precision and vision in a video game.
How can it not increase the potential when it's eliminating a level of extraction between the game and the player?
It's alot easier for you to say to just say no, than me say yes and provide example that don't yet exist. With some imagination, intelligence and creativity, it's obvious.
If you are not fighting them all at once, then the rest are simply there as a backdrop.
Ben, your so linear in your thinking. Seriously buddy. If the graphics output of today allowed for say, 10,000 combatents fighting an epic battle, then the developer could tweak the
gameplay so that your fighting skills, taunts, abilities, heroism, and courage would be reflected upon the background combatents. If you fight like ass... your side will demoralise and fight like ass. If you pull an Schwarzenegger and wipe out an entire 3rd world country yourself (with only an M-60 and 1 belt of ammo), then your side wins.
That is a limitation of current hardware, but doesn't have to do with graphics adding to gameplay. Would it make a difference on a gameplay level if those people were poorly animated sprites? No. Would it hurt the submersiveness in the game? Yes.
Yes it would. Running threw a crowd of very static sprites is hardly adding the potential that a developer could add using 3D graphics. Prime example,
The Getaway and taking people hostage.
Also, realise that Developers are unwilling to sacrifise graphics, which as this board demonstrates is enough not only to make a game suceed or fail, but stimulate a tantra-esqu calibur orgasm from many.
How can you say that having in the above example, having a polygonal crowd like that to loose the police in wouldn't add levels to the gameplay which are impossible to even imagine at this point.
What? The graphics mean nothing without the physics engine. As a general example there is a particular missile upgrade in Metroid Prime that you get by walking through a 'wall'(not shooting it out, walking straight through it. How could that be possible if the graphics engine says it's there? Because the physics engine says it isn't.
Ok, then jump into the shuttle
Atlantis, rocket into space and float away - hey, physics apply there too and we definatly have the power to do realistic physics in a near-zero G enviroment.
Or, go open every door in Max Payne or MoH into the room behind it - we can open some of them. Why not all?
Physics are only defined in the gameworld. In most cases, the gameworld and what can take place within it are limited by what the developers can create - which is limited by what they can show - which is limited by graphics and space.
By default, any physics engine in a 2D plane is inferior.
Thats the point.
You are talking about overall gaming experience, not gameplay
Ohh, so gameplay doesn't have an impact upon the experience now?
I'm talking about the
potential gameplay - a sharp distinction between the abstract concenpt that you define as gameplay. It's easy to see how the potential for gameplay and developer oippertunities are vastly increased by the improvement in graphics.
I was just reading a preview of
Shinobi and the developer from Overworks kept going on and on about how the transistion to a 3D polygonal world opened up so many new possibilities and gameplay advantages over their old 2D one. His main focus was stealth-what Shinbi actually means-and how it's impossible without 3D.
Or SplinterCell. How would it pull off the in-the-shadows style hiding if it was being rendered using the constraints of a VGA adapter or only sprites? Ben, this is so cut-and-dry.