BenSkywalker said:This quote has absolutely nothing to do with the graphics engine, it has to do with the physics engine and AI. Do you understand the difference between them?
Yes, infact I do, and this is the fundimental diffrence.
Your looking at this from a strictly 'gamecode' point of view. To you, the fundimental aspect of the gameplay experience is the code. The game runs this code in the background, this is the game, this is the gameplay.
I, and many others here, think that the fundimental aspect of the gameplay experience is the player. Without the player, his immersion, his feelings, his actions, his tempations, you have no gameplay.
This is obvious from your utter bullshit idea that you can play a game that has no visual output - that it just looses 'immersion'. I disagree. As The developer himself stated:
archie4oz said:Vince is on the right track with regards to gameplay essentially providing mental stimuli through various senses. Of course one could also say that about reading a book (pictures or no), watching a movie, playing an instrument, having sex, playing a physical sport (gasp!)...
The act of playing a game is infact fundimentally similar to the action he listed (watching a movie, sex, sports) in that all these experiences revolve around the conscousness inherient in a person.
You can have all the physical laws in the Universe, or game code for that matter, and without a conscousness in Ben's little body percieving it - it ain't worth shit.
The gameplay isn't in the game, it's in the player - his actions, his thoughts, his temptations, his ambitions.
Just ask Will Wright where the game is and he'll point at his head, which is something I'll never forget. And this my friend, is whats up.
But, this in itself is besides the more material point, which is that graphical advance is infact the limiting feature on what gameplay can be shown/given to a player threw his game.
EDIT: EXAMPLE: GTA3+ isn't "immersive", but it's gameplay potential is enormous because the developer gives us an open ended world and we can play out our wants, desires, thoughts, ect (as Will said) in our mind and act on them. This type of game, with this type of open endedness, wasn't possible 5 or 10 years ago. Only with the recent graphical advance has it been.
Why do you assume that I don't do any physical activity? Never had anyone who met me face to face assume that. In terms of war games, I live and was raised in New Hampshire. I owned my first semi auto rifle at 14(Ruger 10/22, parents bougt it for me for Christmas). Paintball is actually rather popular up here, but not nearly as big as putting the toys away and actually hunting living things firing real bullets.
We all hunt, not all of us hunt humans - which is why I brought up Airsoft and Paintball.
Paintball is a nice game for kids to play. Problem comparing it to military training is that the level of caution that real world situations demand that children's games don't.
Obviously, the point is that paintball is popular. I didn't know if you play Airsoft, Paintball is more popular. Logic buddy.
Before any paintball fans get their panties in a bunch... Paintball is a great game for kids 10-16.
Ouch! Actually, Paintball isn't a 'kids game' at all... that demographic is playing on the 'Cube
Seriously though, Paintball isn't suppose to be a serious recreation of large scale modern battlefield tactics. It's morphed in the past few years into a more mainstream sport thats very fast paced and is a quite exciting parallel to Airsoft. It does however provide an CQB experience thats like pure adrenaline man, it can get intense.
If you're looking for a more structured, realistsic sport, then Airsoft is your game. It's the closest you'll get without enlisting, and is a hella lot of fun. Alot cheaper too
A programmer, someone who understands exactly what part of the game code is doing what, doesn't agree with what you are saying. That doesn't surprise me in the least, yet you don't seem to grasp why that is.
Hehe, thanks for supporting the above part... Code vs. Player...
That's all physics.
Se bud, no it's not. While it may be 'physics' thats guiding that, I as the player don't see the physics. I don't manipulate the physics, I don't play the game according to the physics. I play the game according to what I see. I play the game as I 'play' life - by what I see.
I don't drive based on mathmatical calculations, I don't jump over a hole based on the mathmtically expressed physics - I do all this by sight.
As I stated time and time again, graphically you can compress so much data threw the spatial and temporal cohesion in a typical scene. Don't you pick up on this stuff? Graphics allow for you to express this in the game. Immersion my ass.
Cool example: Using rain direction (think advanced MGS2) to show the player which direction the wind's blowing in for a Stealth based game where noise/smell travels with the wind. Compressing the data visually to have impact on the gameplay.
PS. Sorry bout the Mouth before, you just have a way with me.... I owe ya a drink when I finally catch up to you (after I bust out the Aluminum bat that is