Tagrineth said:
Graphics (RE), mood (RE), setting (think of one; I can't at the moment), and storyline (name that RPG!) can make up for horrendous gameplay in some cases, but they are not part of the gameplay.
GamePLAY is all about control scheme quality.
This is so very wrong. Gameplay is definatly a function of the visual appearence that you precieve. Only, as lemming very wisely stated, a shortsighted fool would not see this.
This is very simple indeed, only you and Ben have limited views of this (among other things) and fail to see the global picture. Here it goes:
I'm playing a game on a Console. This game doesn't take place within my own consciousness, it's an external stimuli thats being percieved by my PNS - which has a limited view of the enviroment around it. Thus, the game and what it portreys to my conscoiusness (which for this discussion we'll consider merely the CNS) is limited by the primary entry points of this information - in the case of video games this is visual and auditory with some tactile feedback.
Thus, the scope of the game, the portreyal of what I can and cannot go, the immersion and realism, is all dependent upon what visual stimulous you're sending to my PNS. The
weakest link if you will, is infact the visual presentation.
Games like
Pacman were limited in there gameplay by what they could visually portrey at that time. So, the game revolved around a 2D plane and simple sprites. This obviously is a limiting factor when you consider what could be accomplished by indroducing a 3rd dimension to the equation. The "gameplay' potential rises as the developers are given new freedoms.
Looking forward, the same can be seen. Games of today like MGS2 and SC (as a simple example) are so unbeleivably limited in their gameplay. Simple, highly limited, and repititious possible actions and animations. The limiting reaction is the inability to saturate the conscousness with stimuli. Short term we'll see the level of gameplay rise as the amount of animation, and interaction (functions of the graphical/vidual output as he correctly stated) rise. The big leap will come when we have some sort of 3D glasses that respond to head movements and digital camera based inputs (but thats another story). Can you even imagine the
new gameplay potential if you could swing your head around and see from a 1st person perspective around a corner? Or, the realism of having a dynamic 'body' in a world that can move anywhere, anyhow?
Or stricly speaking of graphics, what about the gameplay potential of fighting in the middle of an epic battle with 20,000 combatents. Or a game like the Matrix - where it actually looks and plays like it. Or how about a game like FFX, where I can see the emotion, or passion, or anger clearly and totally realisticaly on the faces of characters - I want to see Yuna (example, it's a girl) shed a tear that reflects the emerging sun from behind the receeding dark clouds as light breeze ripples threw her hair after I just sacrificed my gameworld life for the greater good. When will I be able to rob a bank with my friends in Grand Theft Auto and loose the cops in a crowded city center with a crowd of 10,000 people walking around me - with the cops filtering out threw the crowd, asking random people questions, arresting suspecious individuals? Or when can I dogfight an Su-27 in my F/A-22 over my house, fly threw the crowded streets of Chicago, between the skyskrapers with a realistic and active street and population below and then pull a vertical up the side of the Sears Tower and make me believe I'm really there? When you answer these questions, then tell me how graphics don't infleuce gameplay?
Physics are merely a subset that influeneces how what we see interacts with the game world. It has limits imposed by the graphical surroundings and level of immersion. You can have the best physics engine in the world, but it would suck in Doom or whatever game where you limited to a 2D plane.
The truth is, Gameplay
potential is a function of primarily the 2 way saturation of the PNS/CNS with stimulation. Computational power has been the main limiting feature to this point. We're now reaching a point where graphics are the last hurdle to jump before the burden becomes (as it already is starting to) the medium and input. Developers can still find creative things to do, but the next jump in potential similar to that between 2D->3D will be a bit. Untill then, world will become more interactive and larger (thank you graphics), but thats it.
So, in closing - at this juncture, graphics (visual stimulous) is the main factor in gameplay potental. Untill, we move away from computation limitation to the medium and input limitations.