As a very scientific effort

)), I checked my CD collection for nationalities, and here's the result:
GB: 32%
Sweden 25%
Latin America: 9%
France: 8%
Norway: 7%
USA: 7%
Canada: 5%
Ireland: 5%
Africa: 3%
Latin America and Africa didn't get sorted into individual countries, since I don't know exactly from where all of those groups came.
The high GB number surprised me. When I checked some artist that I was unsure of, a lot of them turned out to be britts. So I checked som of those I we're pretty certain off, and to my surprise, even more artists turned out to be britts.
But I wouldn't dare to say anything about other countries. I know it's often said that Swedes are over-represented in other countries (compared to the population of Sweden), but I don't know from own experience. And very often when people from USA and Canada talk about their favourite artists, I've never heard of them. So why wouldn't that work the other way too.
Since there's a specific USA/Canada question here, I'll add some info on those figures. If I only had counted the records that I actually listen to (ie not the ones that I got tired of within a week or two), then Canada would have a clear lead over USA. (Why, oh why did I for instance buy the Linkin Park CD? I plead temporary insanity.) But I admit that that hasn't got much to do with how big the record industry is, since I've already been fooled to buy it.