xbdestroya said:Warner is obviously *the* studio on HD-DVD's side of the fence, and though they are with Blu-ray now too, I'm sure they'd rather see HD-DVD succeed.
Not really, that would be Universal.
Warner will announce the same for Blu-ray in due course. Although it's odd, because I spotted at least one Warner title (Troy) in that photo of various Blu-ray titles, so one wonders when they will announce.
Hardknock said:I thought Disney was on Blu-Ray's side? But they have yet to announce any titles which is weird. As we get closer and closer to HD-DVD's launch it seems these movie studios are having second thoughts.
Disney decided to wait till today to announce their titles. The BDA presentation is happening today. Maybe Warner will announce then too, who knows, or maybe they'll wait a couple of weeks, or longer to throw HD-DVD a perceived bone.
london-boy said:For exclusive material, BDROM has ~50% (Sony and MGM)
20th Century Fox and Liongate are also exclusive. As are Disney as far as I know. About 63 titles have been officially announced for Blu-ray sofar, with Disney and Warner pending, ~84% of which are exclusive. 44 have been announced for HD-DVD, with Universal still pending (?), 7&% of which are exclusive until Warner announces for Blu-ray (and maybe Universal will, eventually, if rumour is believed) If you totalled them, 97 titles in total have been announced across both formats, 51% of which are exclusive to Blu-ray, 35% exclusive to HD-DVD, again pending Warner & Disney Blu-ray announcements (so it turns out you were roughly right, though I'm counting Warner as HD-DVD exclusive for the moment )
edit - I missed the Universal announcement
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