Halo day! (Halo 3 new pic, open beta and teaser info)

Ok, Bungie is pretty notorious about leaving hints in their media about the plot and features in their games. The commercial seems to continue this tradition. For example, they focus in on MC putting a gun on his back--which we now know will be part of the game (i.e. you can see weapons that people carry).

So lets list things that MAY be hints. Don't be afraid to mention stuff, sometimes it gets other peeps juices flowing.

1. MC put his weapon on his back. (Confirmed) You can now see peeps weapons that they carry on their back.

2. Helmet on the ground. The closeup surely is a "hint" at the bonus pack with the helmet.

3. Shield grenade. Bungie has already confirmed at least 1 new grenade. Is this another?

4. MC sprints toward the battlefield. The X button does SOMETHING new. Bungie staff mentioned wanting to use it a LOT in the recent pre-Alpha with 1UP, which would mesh well with sprint.

5. MC jumps (sprint jump?) and appears to do a flying kick off the cliff. A new melee attack to go along with sprint?

6. At the center of the bad guys is one with a red piece of cloathing and he has a large sledge hammer. Possible boss character?

7. Massive battlefields. Air and ground combat at once on a large scale, including air born bombs. A lot of dead humans on the ground. 13 mile view distance for a reason...
Btw, 720p version well encoded here: http://xboxmovies.teamxbox.com/xbox-360-hires/4001/Halo-3-Trailer-HD/

8. The boy is probaly John (John117), that is Master Chief. The girl is probably Lisa or Kelly (childhood friend). Possible indication of other Spartans in Halo 3?

9. Some spotted a mongoose at the very end.

Any others people spotted?
Pause the video and look closer.

Pistol is Silver! Magnum was black in Halo 2! plus it doesn't have the same shape as the Pistol, it looks more like the Magnum, after i saw it the first time, I paused the Video when he was clicking on the shield Nade it doesn't look like the pistol at all.
almost all of it
I'm pretty sure those enemies he was jumping into were Brutes (enemies from Halo 2), but they look somehow different. Could just be the camera perspective. Could just be new armor. Or it could be a new enemy race.

If you pause the video just when Chief crouches and the shield grenade energizes, you can see that the pistol he is holding is shaped very much like Halo 1's pistol, only it's a different color. The top of the pistol has a raised edge near the tip of the barrel. Halo 2's magnum was completely flat on top. So many of us want Halo 1's pistol back. I could be wrong, but I hope I'm not.
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Did everyone miss that the enemies at the end don't look anything like Covenant. They don't looked very organic, robots?

Edit: dur
Look like brutes with new armor. In the making-of movie we also saw a new enemy with a metallic armor--at the time, many guessed it was either brutes or grunts (and I personally believed brutes, being pushed up in the caste system, would receive more advanced armor/shielding fitting their new place in the covenant, as they replaced Elites).

Besides that, looking at the shield device, it appears to not be entirely omnidirectional, as the back area has open seams. So, it's not a perfect shield, and definitely is focused towards total shielding in the front and only partial shielding towards the back. I'm curious about where the grenade comes from. Brutes seem too crude to be the source (crude in the sense that they make spike grenades and molten-spike spewing weapons using very advanced technology), and the Covenant probably wouldn't innovate in such a way unless they've simply been holding it back. So, forerunner device (looks suggest it's possible), or human device created from further study of forerunner/covenant technology (regardless, the human weapons seem to be heading away from the standard and towards more sci-fi with things like the Spartan Laser anti-vehicle weapon). There is of course another faction, but I kinda doubt that one, since it seems kinda out of style for the tactics they tend to employ most of the time. And the Sentinels/AIs have no use for such a thing themselves.
The entire intro suggests more backstory to me. Maybe MC's background will be fully unveiled or something?
My guess is that we'll have some ilovebees viral stuff kicking off soon to reveal the release date. I thought the spot was supposed to be 60 seconds?