Halo day! (Halo 3 new pic, open beta and teaser info)

Uh, I agree with much of your post, but straifing is in Gears just like any other modren shooter.

:oops: Crap I don't need to be posting right after I get up. I was "thinking" about circle straifing which is pretty useless in Gears but is pretty standard mechanic in other FPS and necessary to do well. Where is the back door to this thread? :oops:
Uh, I agree with much of your post, but straifing is in Gears just like any other modren shooter.

Except you'll get killed in about 2 seconds doing it.

When I play gears, I might strafe for about 1 or 2 seconds, then go into a diving roll and stick to cover. You can't run around for very long with your head sticking out with out it getting shot off.

I cant really think of any party of the game where you can strafe out in the open, except maybe when you're fighting a big wave of wretches, and even then, it's usually running backwards as opposed to side strafing like most shooters.

So, they did effectively drop strafing as a gameplay mechanic, it doesn't work, even though you can still do it.
Seeing that nice Motion blur Blur in that Teaser, makes me think they should put a really nice Motion blur as well in the retail game to have the "cinematic" feeling in the gameplay like GOW.

I start to prefer 30fps + nice motion blur than 60fps without MB...and i used to be a 60fps freak :)
30+MB is just "moviesque"
Funny that Resistance has a driving section with a jeep that is suspiciously similar to the driving in Halo.

Funny that Resistance has little enemies that swarm and try to jump on you that pop when you shoot them.

Funny that the shield in Resistance is suspiciously similar to those found in PDZ...

Funny that Halo 3 has been in development far longer than Resistance and the shield was implemented a long time before Resistance even came out.

Funny that.
Update on that video-documentary (part 2) coming up:

Something’s going to happen. Something wonderful.

Tomorrow morning, on December 20th at 2am PST (Pacific Standard Time) the US English version of our next “ViDoc” will go live. What’s a Vidoc, you ask? A Video-Documentary. What’s it about, you ask? It’s about Brutes in Halo 3, but before we say more, read the following caveats just so there’s no confusion:

· There are no finished graphics in the documentary, and everything you see is a work in progress.

· This will be available initially only on Xbox Live Marketplace.

· The first version of the Vidoc, US English, will be live at 2am, PST.

· The rest of the localized language versions will be parceled out afterwards, hopefully within 24 hours. Please be patient.

· We will make another, non-marketplace version available relatively soon.

· It runs for seven minutes.

· Standard definition and high definition variants will be available.

The documentary will run for almost exactly seven minutes (coincidence? UNLIKELY!) and contains a first peek at the bad guy you will grow to love and hate in Halo 3. Well, mostly hate, but you will love fighting him.

You’ll see what amounts in a way to the first glimpse at Campaign content, but don’t get too excited. Everything you see here is a work in progress, and I’m afraid you won’t be seeing anything like finished graphics. This is just a chance to talk about the design philosophy and production behind what’s going to become a very important part of the next game. But don’t worry, I’ll answer lot more questions tomorrow.

Many people will probably translate the mention of "unfinished graphics" to "preemptive damage control."

I'll leave out whether I would agree with that until I see the video and see the intarw3bz reaction.

(Edit: Don't take that as meaning I think there's anything wrong with mentioning something like that, of course, as it's both true and pertinent. 9+ months is a long, long time, and we've seen countless examples of even a matter of weeks making a big difference.)
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Many people will probably translate the mention of "unfinished graphics" to "preemptive damage control."

Can you blame them after the unfair reaction last time? It's really not like the game looks bad, anyway. I dont see how anybody can say Resistance looks great (which many do) then say Halo 3 looks bad, for example.

I'm just hoping for some real time gameplay video..which sounds like a certainty.
Yeah, I certainly can't blame them for it.

In any case, the timing is good. I'll be waking up before 4 Mountain Standard, so I'll slap that thing into the queue, take my walk and grab coffee, and by the time I'm back from freezing my face off, it should be done.
Well, tbh, my translation of the graphics comments is, "Gonna look like @$$". What happened to Luke's "Gears of What" comment ;)

While I understand WIP and hope for the best, seeing how certain internal MS studios have really had big let downs (like the initial Forza stuff)... obviously Halo 3 has some great people on it and we should judge the finished product, but that is what gets my head scratching. Why show really rough stuff that doesn't represent your goal? Fans are hyped anyhow, one part of crafting an image is protecting, fostering, and enforcing an image.

Personally, I am more interested in how they are evolving the gameplay, AI, and user input/mechanics. A sprint button ('X', no straif, no fire, no sheild recharge) would be a start. Likewise 4 grenade type... or more if we can get an EMP and Smoke grenade on top of standard, plasma, nail, and shield grenades. :D Obviously a lot of room to entertain ideas related to cover, more refined movement and control, squad control (related... not saying THESE things) and so forth to build on the FPS mechanics as games like GRAW and GOW have.

I am sure the final graphics will be, if not servicable, for their needs. Obviously, it concerns me that at E3 they can get a great video running with a ton of features on and look stunning, yet 7 months later we are getting warnings of WIP. Makes me wonder if Halo2ish like overhauls and redesigns are taking place. Of course the small scene from E3 was short and very scripted, and getting gameplay up to snuff is another matter. Ask Motorstorm and the leaps it has made.
The only thing that bugs me in that pic is the ugly "look at me" bumps. The rest may look like ass now, but I'm confident that will all be tuned up before release. I think the game is going to look great, and perhaps the best at it's time of release.

It seems we're all in agreement that it's an unflattering shot, right?

AKA, I just watched the new gameplay footage.

It's looking nice, at times jaw dropping-best looking game ever territory, even.

The lighting on the Brutes is phenomenal.

At the very least, I dont think we can consider graphics Halo 3's weak point anymore.

The vid and pics from it should be sprouting up all over the net shortly...
Animations are definitely rough, as to be expected (i.e., transitions are not as smooth as you would expect a final game to be), but probably the best part in my opinion is just in regards to changes to the Brutes: they've nailed down what made them very uninteresting enemies to fight, and are correcting that. The overall design has vastly improved over Halo 2, and like they said, the Brutes now look like worthy adversaries instead of "damage sponges." Besides that, ripping off that marine's arms was brutal. I will watch it a few more times, though, since I didn't pay much attention to anything besides those two points.

AKA, I just watched the new gameplay footage.

It's looking nice, at times jaw dropping-best looking game ever territory, even.

The lighting on the Brutes is phenomenal.

At the very least, I dont think we can consider graphics Halo 3's weak point anymore.

The vid and pics from it should be sprouting up all over the net shortly...

Here's 4 from my TV off a cheap digicam





I actually had several more, but I got logged out of the edit I guess, so I only posted 4 this time.

The basic gist of the doc is the brutes are far more aggressive, cohesive, animated, and fun opponents this time.

Aaand it's already on youtube (gameplay part) in record time.

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AKA, I just watched the new gameplay footage.

It's looking nice, at times jaw dropping-best looking game ever territory, even.

The lighting on the Brutes is phenomenal.

At the very least, I dont think we can consider graphics Halo 3's weak point anymore.

The vid and pics from it should be sprouting up all over the net shortly...

Here's 4 from my TV off a cheap digicam





I actually had several more, but I got logged out of the edit I guess, so I only posted 4 this time.

The basic gist of the doc is the brutes are far more aggressive, cohesive, animated, and fun opponents this time.

Aaand it's already on youtube (gameplay part) in record time.


EEEEErrrr so far it looks like PDZ...

Thanks for the pics tho