Halo day! (Halo 3 new pic, open beta and teaser info)

That pretty much confirms the Halo 3 teaser wasn't realtime.

To me it confirms it was...

Specially if you compare the shots at the same rez (or both super sized or both 720p)... Same models, same textures... The lighting is diferent but the light source is diferent...
WoW there Bungie, ease up on the bump mapping its looks horrible IMO. Its a render anyway, hence the resolution and the amount of AA enabled :)
WoW there Bungie, ease up on the bump mapping its looks horrible IMO. Its a render anyway, hence the resolution and the amount of AA enabled :)

it's taken directly from the frame buffer in real time campaign mode at 2x for people to use it as wallpaper. (as per Frankie this morning)
it's taken directly from the frame buffer in real time campaign mode at 2x for people to use it as wallpaper. (as per Frankie this morning)

Interesting, they still have add'd AA though :) As there is NOT ONE jaggie in that shot :)
Looks like 4xAA to me. The resolution is surely 4x though, not 2x.

and Yay for MS finally getting around to fixing up Halo2 BC on the 360, I'd love to be able to use my 360 controllers with the game but I can't stand the performace issues. Hopefully they finally finish the job now that they are trying to sell us more maps. I wonder if they will ever get around to fixing the BC brightness bug as well?
They really have to change that armor -- it looks like someone just painted green on a rusty set of armor (has that same type of texture/feel to it). Seems like they just wanted unnecessary detail, which is okay, but pick something that doesn't look like green rusty metal.
Mjolnir is Thor's hammer right? I thought that the Bungie team stated that they werent going for the overly textured look a la Gears of War...
That pretty much confirms the Halo 3 teaser wasn't realtime.

Yes, IGN and Gamespot are in bed with Bungie and *Gasp* lied about it being seen in realtime at E3 2006. :runaway: Conspiracy I tell you!

Shot looks... meh! And downsizing looks better, but that is because you get supersampling. Also, uber AA there. And the specular looks horrible. Lots of texture detail I guess, but the bump mapping looks abused. It also seems this is campaign mode, which is a downer. I guess we can wait to see it in motion, but the still lacks the artistic polish of the trailer and also seems to be poorly selected in regards to lighting and detail.

A quick note about this shot - this is an actual screenshot taken from the actual game within an actual campaign level of Halo 3. When the MGS PR team asked me to give them a new image for an upcoming issue of Newsweek magazine, this is what we came up with. It's intentionally not meant to really reveal anything - we just wanted to give a glimpse of the latest Master Chief model and I thought the level that environment artist Frank Capezutto was working on provided a great backdrop. What's not to love about next-gen rusty beams and pipes? And best of all, it gives away absolutely nothing. We told you that Halo 3 was still very much in development and work continues on making the game look and play great. I think this is a cool snapshot of where the team is right now. We hope you enjoy it! :)

Should go back to how the E3 model looked liked, or at least picked shots that showed similar detail in regards to lighting and angles (ie. if same model, very unflattering). Yay for next gen rusty pipes. Not like FPS need more pipes, crates, or corridores!
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Eh, wouldn't be the first time a trailer said to be realtime later turns out to be not.
It doesn't need a conspiracy or lies from the media either, just a lie from the developers or PR people ;)
They saw it realtime, that's a fact, but realtime running on what, that's another matter.

I'm not saying it wasn't running on xbox360, realtime and in game engine, I'm just saying it's happened before, so sceptism is justified until proven.

The latest swedish magazine scans and those 1UP got (has it got them yet?) surely don't look anything like the trailer. If the game engine already was running on xb360 in time of the trailer, why the huge difference? Lack of features implemented, like lighting and more advanced effects that were in place for the scripted trailer but not there for the multiplayer demonstration.
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Mjolnir IV ;)

:???: IV = 4

V=5 (Halo CE)

If you're confused about the roman numerals, just remember what the next one up is:

VI +I =7! :p (for real)

pshaw... haven't you seen the Simpsons? Rocky, Rocky II, III, ... :D

Mjolnir is Thor's hammer right? I thought that the Bungie team stated that they werent going for the overly textured look a la Gears of War...

Mjolnir is the ongoing project codename for the suits of armour that the Spartan II's wear. The Roman numerals signify generation.

edit: (i feel like the only Halo-geek here) :oops:
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Eh, wouldn't be the first time a trailer said to be realtime later turns out to be not.
It would, however, be the first time a developer went this far out of their way to prove it was real time only to have it turn out to be prerendered. Bungie paused time in the demo and moved the camera around. That would be an elaborate and entirely evil deception. And it would be wholly unprecedented from Bungie.
The E3 trailer being realtime in engine has got nothing to do with what actual gameplay looks like.

It's a bit like the photomode in racing games. That's still "in engine" but it never looks as good as actual gameplay running on the game engine at 30fps.

The drop in quality from the E3 trailer to the latest in-game screen looks to be of similar magnitude.
Ofcourse the game is far from finished so I expect things to improve.
The E3 trailer being realtime in engine has got nothing to do with what actual gameplay looks like.

It's a bit like the photomode in racing games. That's still "in engine" but it never looks as good as actual gameplay running on the game engine at 30fps.

The drop in quality from the E3 trailer to the latest in-game screen looks to be of similar magnitude.
Ofcourse the game is far from finished so I expect things to improve.

you can control the cars when in photomode?

I honestly think some people are unimpressed by that new screenshot because MC's suit just was never a "cool looking" suit to begin with (artistically).

We can nitpick all we want about funky lighting, specular hoo-ha or the bump mapping and whatnot..but fact is, the level of detail in general is undeniable.

Looking at the huge Halo 3 screen, I started to nitpick it like a lot of people.
But then I went back and looked at upcoming games that are very impressive visually (Bioshock, Lost Planet, Assassins Creed, Mass effect, DMC4, etc)..and I quickly realized that because of Halos sheer legend and expectations, I almost fooled myself into thinking it didnt look as good visually as other stuff I'm looking forward to.

I think once the 30 seconds of campaign footage surfaces and we see the rest of the Halo universe (enemies, architecture, everything) rendered at this level of detail, nobody will even care about another screenshot.