Halo 5: Guardians [XO]

God I feel like Halo 5 is gonna be another train wreck.

Hopefully, they'll at least get the MP somewhat close.

God I feel like Halo 5 is gonna be another train wreck.

Hopefully, they'll at least get the MP somewhat close.


Yup, I hate that they are trying to put a more moral grey haze in your face in the Halo series. Too many games do that now days that it gets cliched and boring. Even more boring then the pure good versus evil which you almost never see in games anymore.

The Halo series was refreshing (to me) because it bucked the gaming trend of moral ambiguity and just presented Good versus Evil. Sure the universe in the background had some moral greyness. But when it came to the game it was pretty well delineated. And who you played was unambiguously "Good."

/yawn at Halo becoming yet another me too shooter with moral ambiguity. /sad.

I got into it a little late, so I only got to play a few 4v4 TS games. Not enough to tell anything really.
With Chief, he's a guy who pretty much only talks out of necessity, and quite frankly, him trying to rub it in while he won just seems completely out of character - something Palmer would blabber because she's tough and mean and tough.
Maybe Chief's having a mid life crisis. Mission 2: Chief buys a Porsche.
God I feel like Halo 5 is gonna be another train wreck.

Hopefully, they'll at least get the MP somewhat close.

I have faith on them. Still, I've changed my views after playing every Halo game -I didn't complete all of them yet but then that's not the point- and Halo 2 was my favourite because of nostalgia factors, but gameplay wise I am having more fun with Halo 3 and 4, and I loved Halo: Reach. Halo 1 is still a distant memory and I didn't play it as much as H2 back in the day, so replaying it now is quite refreshing.

It was "easy" for me to complete Halo 1 on Legendary ten years ago after beating Halo 2 on that difficulty level, but now... I'd say Halo 1 is more difficult than Halo 2 on Legendary, because while Halo 2 was tougher to complete, you could still use some tricks you can't use in Halo 1.

My favourite levels in Halo 2 are Delta Halo and Regret, with the gondolas and stuff, that doesn't change from my classic Halo 2 days.

Talking of which, it's quite fun to watch videos like this of people playing Halo 2 on Legendary, they make it looks a lot easier than it actually is:

I've been playing Halo 3 coop with a friend yesterday and I had soooo much fun.... It's a whole new experience and it's a different game compared to playing solo. Both styles are good either way, just different.

Usually the first time you play a game you want to play it at your own pace and learn the intrinsic details and changes, but I've beaten Halo 3 several times already, and coop is very refreshing.
Cool trailer! Is it the new Crysis with an upgraded nano suit? Just kidding :)

My real question is, what did we just see? It looks like a lot of heavy cutting, are we seeing a lot of Locke cut scenes being merged into one? That would be disappointing, I feel like I've seen it all already ;)
I think it had to be a side project for the studio (Blur or Axis) making all the CG cinematics for the game. Maybe Gamestop has even payed for it?....
I think it had to be a side project for the studio (Blur or Axis) making all the CG cinematics for the game. Maybe Gamestop has even payed for it?....
Seems plausible, though gamestop paying for it sounds different. Is it common for there to be a lot of ideas that make the cut for rendering and then later on get removed?
This straight from MS not Gamespot..some shots already appeared in one of the Xbox One 2015 games montage a few months ago..
hmm. Yes you are correct. forgot about that scene where Locke is getting ready to jump out of the pelican.
lol hope these are only promotional items!! gah.

*edit - did anyone else notice frame drops in the trailer? lol
Is it common for there to be a lot of ideas that make the cut for rendering and then later on get removed?

Any reasonable studio would filter most of those out well before committing to renders. That's what previz has been invented for.

With that said, it still happens, could be a lot of reasons. The client may bounce back from an internal review from the execs, from ESRB or from feature changes. CGI takes a lot of time, a trailer can require as much as 6 months and it'd be released well before the game - so some stuff might get cut for example. Or they might change a voice actor. And sometimes entire projects are canceled.
This straight from MS not Gamespot..some shots already appeared in one of the Xbox One 2015 games montage a few months ago..

Didn't know about that... Still, most studios don't really like to have such amounts of action, especially in cutscenes - they prefer to keep that for the player.

For example in the Halo universe, most of the Spartan action in CGI was for Halo Wars where the game itself didn't really lend itself for such scenes.
Then again, all the AC trailers have a lot of fights; but those are usually designed to highlight features from the upcoming game. Guns, throwing daggers, double hidden blades, NPC assassins...
Any reasonable studio would filter most of those out well before committing to renders. That's what previz has been invented for.

With that said, it still happens, could be a lot of reasons. The client may bounce back from an internal review from the execs, from ESRB or from feature changes. CGI takes a lot of time, a trailer can require as much as 6 months and it'd be released well before the game - so some stuff might get cut for example. Or they might change a voice actor. And sometimes entire projects are canceled.
Good insight into this aspect of the industry. I guess this is why the move to in-game/in-engine cutscenes has become common place, I imagine it's cheaper, faster, and you can make changes relatively quick to the content.
Good insight into this aspect of the industry. I guess this is why the move to in-game/in-engine cutscenes has become common place, I imagine it's cheaper, faster, and you can make changes relatively quick to the content.

That's actually more complicated than that...

Ingame cutscenes require a separate division, so either acquiring additional resources or taking away existing ones. Some game's engines are not entirely suited for cutscenes, particularly strategy games for anything character driven; or FPS games for anything really large scale.

Costs aren't that clear any more either. What you need to realize is that a LOT of the work in CG cutscenes has to be done even in realtime - previz, mocap, animation, lighting, sound, and so on. The staff will require software and hardware and office space and salaries; and on top of that they'd require lots of tools that would have to be developed for that single purpose and thus their cost couldn't be amortized over multiple projects. Even a lot of the existing game assets can be reused nowadays, sometimes with some detailing work but sometimes even without that. It's not like CGI is 10x more expensive nowadays.

There's also a quality ceiling for ingame stuff - complex character deformations and effects, special FX like fire and smoke and water, scope, etc. Cheating can also be more complicated (the stuff we can do with 3D matte paintings for example). This however also can work backwards - the client may actually not want to get cinematics looking that much better than the ingame content.

Also look at the actual releases - last year the Halo 2 anniversary release had almost an entire hour of CGI, COD AW had 20 minutes and now the zombie DLCs also add about 2-3 minutes per episode. Although I can't really tell you why these decisions were made and if this is going to continue; but that Locke trailer and the hints in the Halo MC Collection suggest that we're going to get more of this in Halo 5, at least.
Oh and the fans seem to still respond well to this stuff, they like these CG movies (at least the majority) - lots of fan sites maintain a repository of them so people can download and watch them even when not playing the game.
Maybe Chief's having a mid life crisis. Mission 2: Chief buys a Porsche.
Worse, he is looking for the ship "Forward unto Dawn" where he will restore it bolt-by-bolt and make it his first ship. He discovers his parents, but they won't allow him to store the ship in his garage.

Not sure if this was shared yet or not:

The Next Evolution of Halo Combat
Peace is shattered when colony worlds are unexpectedly attacked. But when humanity’s greatest hero goes missing, a new Spartan is tasked with hunting the Master Chief and solving a mystery that threatens the entire galaxy.
Source - Amazon pre-order page