The list of things the team would like to do in Halo 5 is seemingly never-ending. The reality is that much of those items are left in limbo until there’s either a critical need to greenlight a patch (an experience-ruining exploit, for example) or a larger initiative comes into play (supporting the launch of a new console is a good one). Once it became clear that Halo 5 would be receiving an update for Xbox One X this Fall, teams across the studio started taking stock of what else might make sense to include in that update.
I can’t go into all of the specifics of the Fall update quite yet, but suffice it to say that if all goes according to plan, there will be a variety of other cool odds and ends included beyond 4K support. A number of high profile bugs are being actively worked on in addition to a few things that I think will be genuinely surprising. We’ll have more to share on that soon enough but today what I want to talk more about the Halo 5 sandbox.