Halo 5: Guardians [XO]

So you are telling us the flood is back? Ugh, I hope those spore things are gone at least, they drove me nuts playing on legendary.

Edit: /sarcasm/light hearted-pun comment
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I will agree with you on the Prometheans. With my play style and sticking to legendary I am not sure I noticed a difference with the AI. Mainly because I tend to stay in cover and use distance as my advantage. The AI in none of the series will ever seem to rush or flank you, although some of the smaller areas they would at least chase you.
mm... I guess it's hard to compare (different scenarios), but Reach felt like they were much more agile/mobile. Something just felt off in 4. Certain parts of Reach had the AI chasing you down, especially in Firefight (dat bonus round :D).
mm... I guess it's hard to compare (different scenarios), but Reach felt like they were much more agile/mobile. Something just felt off in 4. Certain parts of Reach had the AI chasing you down, especially in Firefight (dat bonus round :D).

Yeah, I really liked the Covenant AI in Reach. I might have to fire my X360 back up to play through it again. It's been a while.

I hope we get some memorable set pieces and large scale combats.

I can't really remember H4 combats, but a lot of H1 and H2 missions...bring this back please.

I fear that Halo degrades to 'just' another shooter and loses its mojo. This new trailer with all the super abilities...I don't know if I like that. H1 and H2 where perfect even without those extras.

But even with all those worries, heck I do look forward to H5!
Locke platformer with Press A to destroy Covie group.

Master Chief presses A to examine AI chips every 5 seconds.
mm... I guess it's hard to compare (different scenarios), but Reach felt like they were much more agile/mobile. Something just felt off in 4. Certain parts of Reach had the AI chasing you down, especially in Firefight (dat bonus round :D).
Halo Reach has the best AI in the series for me. They move around a lot, they hide, and it had the rare ability to make you feel sheer fear :) when only one Elite was around in a map and you wanted to reach the next checkpoint and you didn't know how to confront it. It's one of my favourite Halo games ever. One of the toughest encounters I had was one like that. There was only an Elite around without the allies that I had beaten, in a very open area with a few boxes, but he managed to hide very well and I didn't know what to do to win.

The Elites were imposing in that game on both Heroic and Legendary difficulty levels. Plus their art was superb.

Still, I like Halo 4, it was fresh and, story aside, added some nice weapons, sounds and graphics, fun enemies and tough encounters. Once you play that game at 60 fps you can easily see how good it is. It is the Halo I play the most these days, I mean, the others look a bit outdated by comparison.

I don't miss Bungie, I like 343 Industries a lot, Bonnie Ross and their philosophy of creating a new diehard 60 fps Halo game. But once Halo Reach is out at 60 fps, it will be a tough choice. With Halo Reach for Halo TMCC I know I am going to check my underwear just in case something I can't control happens.
Again, I'd like to see some stronger weapons for the Spartans. The UNSC spends something like the cost of a fleet on developing supersoldiers and armor, and then they equip them with standard issue ARs and BRs? :)
Again, I'd like to see some stronger weapons for the Spartans. The UNSC spends something like the cost of a fleet on developing supersoldiers and armor, and then they equip them with standard issue ARs and BRs? :)
:) the double barrel pipe shotgun in Doom 2 was so effective against everything in Doom 2, not matter how sophisticated the alien technology.

Since you talk about more modern, stronger weapons, I can envisage a versatile battle rifle that can be converted into a modest sniper rifle with the correct accessories, same for a second weapon, so you could technically carry 4 weapons using only two slots.

It would be also cool to have a Rocket launcher whose rockets have a built-in cam stuck on it, and they could be remote-controlled, but in that case you would need to have very fast reflexes because the rocket would fly to its destination in a matter of miliseconds.

Another nice weapon to have would be a harpoon like weapon with a magnetic field so you could paralyze baddies and keep them in that position.

A gravitational field weapon would be also nice, you would be the "planet", and enemies would become "satellites" whose gravitational mass would be rotating in a very small orbit around you, so to speak.
I think the AI in Reach was quite aggressive, especially if you were low on health and retreating. Also, I might be crazy but I remember some of those Elite bastards karate kicking me during CQB. It was pretty funny to see.
I think the AI in Reach was quite aggressive, especially if you were low on health and retreating. Also, I might be crazy but I remember some of those Elite bastards karate kicking me during CQB. It was pretty funny to see.
What do you mean by CQB?
I think the AI in Reach was quite aggressive, especially if you were low on health and retreating. Also, I might be crazy but I remember some of those Elite bastards karate kicking me during CQB. It was pretty funny to see.
I think Elites in Halo 1 jumped around and made some special -and peculiar- moves, if they jumped from a certain height. I am currently playing Halo 1 (TMCC version) and sometimes that happen. They never did that to me though, but at a distance and doesn't look like the move you are describing.

Halo 1 still remains my least favourite now that I am replaying it. It's fun, it was revolutionary for its time, but levels like 343 Guilty Spark made me feel so frustrated I just want to leave immediately and skip it. The problem is not even the Flood -not a big fan of the flood but okay-, but the level design, some holographic bridges appear and disappear and if you fail in your timing you need to go back.

Then I can't find the exist for the live of me. It's so labyrinthine and distressing. I got tired of playing it yesterday. Maybe I shall try again today.
I think Elites in Halo 1 jumped around and made some special -and peculiar- moves, if they jumped from a certain height. I am currently playing Halo 1 (TMCC version) and sometimes that happen. They never did that to me though, but at a distance and doesn't look like the move you are describing.
Halo 1's elites only melee with their arms.

but the level design, some holographic bridges appear and disappear and if you fail in your timing you need to go back.

There's only one bridge like that, and while it's technically possible to make the crossing, it's not really an intended route. Falling is normal.

Also, if it's confusingness in the level design that's bothering you, I'd strongly suggest giving it a replay. Even 343GS is pretty well landmarked once you have a vague feel for it, and in many ways Halo 1 thrives on familiarity.

The things people complain about with Halo 1 that get attributed to "aging" have little to do with age; they were common complaints back in 2001 as well. If there's a difference, it's probably that the game had the novelty back then to encourage replays, through which pretty much all of the "issues" stop being issues. In many respects, Halo 1 is a much better game on the thirtieth playthrough than the first.
Halo 1 still has the best SP campaign imo. Even today I can play it and have loads of fun, even though I've beaten it many dozens of times. Assault on the Control Room is still my absolute favorite level of all time.

Anyway, Reach had the kicking enemies. I don't remember that behavior in any other Halo.
Halo 1's elites only melee with their arms.


There's only one bridge like that, and while it's technically possible to make the crossing, it's not really an intended route. Falling is normal.

Also, if it's confusingness in the level design that's bothering you, I'd strongly suggest giving it a replay. Even 343GS is pretty well landmarked once you have a vague feel for it, and in many ways Halo 1 thrives on familiarity.

The things people complain about with Halo 1 that get attributed to "aging" have little to do with age; they were common complaints back in 2001 as well. If there's a difference, it's probably that the game had the novelty back then to encourage replays, through which pretty much all of the "issues" stop being issues. In many respects, Halo 1 is a much better game on the thirtieth playthrough than the first.
Aah okay, you give a very interesting hint there. Hopefully it will work for me, if not, you can always watch a walkthrough of that level if you don't find the exit after 5 minutes.

Gamefaqs used to be the perfect tool for that in the past. As for Halo 1, this would be my second full walktrough of the game, it's the Halo I played the least. :)

Halo 1 still has the best SP campaign imo. Even today I can play it and have loads of fun, even though I've beaten it many dozens of times. Assault on the Control Room is still my absolute favorite level of all time.

Anyway, Reach had the kicking enemies. I don't remember that behavior in any other Halo.
That one I remember! Very nice level. My favourite has been The Silent Cartographer. It made me feel fear.

Other than the 343 Guilty Spark level, I enjoyed each stage in Halo 1. I mean in the TMCC version. When I played the original on the Xbox I hated the library level so much.
343 is the jungle and subsurface Forerunner base, right? One thing I'm quite sure is that the buildup to the flood was very well done.
I guess I'm just one of the rare few that loved the Flood. I suppose because I loved Doom and Doom 2. The flood gave parts of Halo a very Doom-like feel. It wasn't easier, it wasn't harder...it was just different. Something to mix things up. What I didn't like was having to use a console controller. Maybe that's why I didn't mind it. While my first experience with Halo was co-op on the Xbox, I didn't fully play through it until the PC version came out with proper mouse and keyboard controls.

The flood would certainly have been far more frustrating with a console controller. But when I first experienced it, it was co-op and the experience was such a blast, I just looked past it. And then when I finally played through it in single player, it was with proper mouse and keyboard controls. So absolutely no frustration fighting the flood then.

Interestingly enough, prior to playing co-op in Halo at a friend's house during a party, I always talked negatively about Halo and hated on the Xbox (got one anyway for Starcraft: Ghost...which never came out). After getting to try Halo, I gained a new appreciation for it and the Xbox.
