Gmail invitations available

Deepak said:
When will I get invitations from google??

I got mine 2-3 days after signing up. But i think they just give them out to members whenever they feel like it, regardless of when u signed up.
london-boy said:
Deepak said:
When will I get invitations from google??

I got mine 2-3 days after signing up. But i think they just give them out to members whenever they feel like it, regardless of when u signed up.

The number of invitations you get seem to correspond with the amount of mail traffic your account generates... I got three invitations a week for a while, until I decided to relay all my mail from my main account to google, and since then i get 6 invitations every few days :)
dreamin' said:
london-boy said:
Deepak said:
When will I get invitations from google??

I got mine 2-3 days after signing up. But i think they just give them out to members whenever they feel like it, regardless of when u signed up.

The number of invitations you get seem to correspond with the amount of mail traffic your account generates... I got three invitations a week for a while, until I decided to relay all my mail from my main account to google, and since then i get 6 invitations every few days :)

Cool! I got 6 2 days after i singed up, and i email loads of people, which means i'll get lots and lots! Not sure what i'll do with them, and now that Hotmail has 250MB, the claustrophobic feeling attached to internet email providers is GONE!!! :LOL:
hey, did you all get yours from other peoples' invites?

i sure would like one if someone could hook me up.

xrashlyx (at)

dreamin' said:
london-boy said:
Deepak said:
When will I get invitations from google??

I got mine 2-3 days after signing up. But i think they just give them out to members whenever they feel like it, regardless of when u signed up.

The number of invitations you get seem to correspond with the amount of mail traffic your account generates... I got three invitations a week for a while, until I decided to relay all my mail from my main account to google, and since then i get 6 invitations every few days :)

:idea:Spam:idea: :p
I just noticed an invitation link in my gmail account window (left corner just below edit labels), I clicked on it and I found that I have one invitation left (which I have used). Damn, maybe I didn't notice it earlier, maybe could have been more invitations.
Wierd.. I use my gmail account a ton, and have gotten 1 invitation shortly after signing up. Since then, I've got squat, but the guy I invited has 4 now :|
I sure would be grateful if someone would post an invite to my inbox.
Please PM it to me, as I'm not sure if Hotmail lets Gmail related stuff get through. :)
I'm registered at Google (I needed its SDK) but I never got Gmail - I'd appreciate if somebody would send me one... ;)
i need more than u guys :D

Im a uni studnet my lecture send me alot of file in which i cannot delete immediately and Hotmail onli let u have 2 megabyte of data.

Please PM me if any of u guy kind enough to share the joy of be on 1gb storage.

Well, I have a few gmail invites if anybody still needs them.

Heh, does Google really need to open it up to registration when they can just have us doing it for them? Considering "6 degrees of seperation" and all...