Gmail invitations available

Deepak said:
Actually it is advisable to write your emails this way at places like forums, why exactly I don't know.

Why? When typing it properly actually makes a link, so clicking on it brings up the whole email thing. Type and go...
I think the reason is, if you write your e-mail address on forums correctly, there is a risk (don't really know if it is real, or just some 'urban legend') that the address is picked up by spammers and you'll start receiving lots of junk mail.
rabidrabbit said:
I think the reason is, if you write your e-mail address on forums correctly, there is a risk (don't really know if it is real, or just some 'urban legend') that the address is picked up by spammers and you'll start receiving lots of junk mail.

But........... errrrmmmmmmm.......... wouldn't they pick it up anyway?
rabidrabbit said:
Not if 'they' ere automated, they only look for 'real' e-mail addresses.

Oh i see, i thought about that while i was typing...
oh well, not that i've put his complete address, i guess he will start getting loads of spam emails hehehehe i'm so evil...
Hrm, pm's are not working correctly, so here are the news:

Zurich, I'm sorry, saw your pm with your mail addy to late, I'll send you an invitation when I get the next batch :?

From: Raul Flores <raul.floresATgmailDOTcom>
To: Deepak Tamang <deepak_tamangATyahooDOTcom>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 15:09:16 +0200
Subject: Deepak, Raul Flores has invited you to open a Google mail account
AT = @, DOT = .
So you should have your invitation in your inbox. There's been rumors amongst gmail users that other providers are sometimes blocking/filtering the invitations, I dunno
rabidrabbit said:
I think the reason is, if you write your e-mail address on forums correctly, there is a risk (don't really know if it is real, or just some 'urban legend') that the address is picked up by spammers and you'll start receiving lots of junk mail.
this is true. you can harvest emails by having bots surf popular forums. Using cute substitutes is not effective as its not hard to make the bot convert AT or DOT into @ and . If thats all your counting on protecting your email address then you will be saddly disappointed.

On a side note, some websites require you to recognize a small image embedded with a word/number which is supposed to be hard for computers to recognize. However ingenious people, just quickly took that image, and put it on free porn sites that require users to decode to see the page. :devilish: Its not that easy to fool these people from spamming.

id love to try it out but ill try to scramble the email to anti spam it. hope you can make it out :D so just sub an "_" for "UNDERSK0RE"

thanks in advance :)