We would be well on our way towards effective action on climate change if it wasn't for the right-wing noise machine that is bought and paid for by largely oil interests. See here:
In essence, the extra amount we would pay for energy is a smoke screen for real change. The actual cost of real change isn't that great, and most people would barely notice the difference. But action would prevent oil companies from extracting massive profits out of a resource that will soon become more and more scarce. And so the oil companies have spent lots and lots of money to push a massive PR campaign to discredit global warming. It's absolutely asinine.
The environmental movement are their own worst enemy. They fail to take advantage of natural alliances within the right wing whenever they present themselves. For example they are the natural allies of the health insurance industry if they were to propose more energy efficient / warmer homes because it reduces the number of people getting respitory illnesses in colder climates. They are natural allies of the energy independance right wingers as well however their reluctance to accept nuclear as an option prevents this. Furthermore they tend to stand up on the public stage and declare what seems like insurmountable goals when they need to get back to basics and drive first for efficiency rather than massive renewable energy installations based on technology which isn't yet proved to be as cost effective as other options.