Ok, perhaps a bit of explanation is in order.
I'm an engineer. I design and develop things, hardware and software.
In my experience, what is best to an engineer is completely different from what is best to a politician (manager). For the engineer it has to be logical, and the definition of success (it works) is defined by how close it fulfils the technical goals stated. That engineer will talk about the requirements as the technical things needed, and defines the possibilities scientifically.
Politicians have quite different goals. They need it to be emotionally satisfying, and the definition of success (it works) is defined by how much they benefit from it. That politician will talk about the requirements as the organizational goals that have to be met, and defines the possibilities commercially.
In effect, that means that engineers have to jump through hoops to meet those political goals, and that the political interactions are the ones that are made public, not the scientific or technical ones. Because the politicians pay the bills.
That's why I always have second thoughts and try to figure out the technicalities if someone tries to sell me something. The truth is a subjective matter of opinion. It depends on many things, with the laws of nature coming in somewhere at the end.
That's not to say it's all bullocks; it's just how things work. And it's great if you understand why something is better or worse before you buy it. Which is also extremely subjective.
Take cars: most people are only interested in the price, looks, feature list and brand, simply because they cannot be bothered to figure out the technical details. They don't matter to them, because they expect all of them to at least be dependable, economic and safe.
In short, as an engineer I have learned and am able to look at those technicalities, which are in general quite different to the advertising. AGW is just one of those things.
Edit: and this: "If you cannot beat them, join them." What is the use arguing against something if they have won the public opinion and nobody listens? Something for me to remember.
Edit2: It's like religious scientists. They tend to do that if they're mostly political, live in a society where it is required, or grow old.