Political action was taken. CFCs were outfased, the ozone hole is recovering.
The same (in Europe at least) regarding acid rain. All coal-fired powerplants are fitted with sulphur-filters today.
We already have coral reefs dying in various places because of changes in sea temperature, - a result of AGW. Increased ocean acidity is not going to benefit crustaceans. If AGW continues, we're likely to see changing changing weather patterns. Imagine the Monsoon being absent 2-3 years in a row; destruction of entire foodchains.
Polar bears.
And not because we're invading their habitat.
Not really cheers here I am afraid
Do you really think the public is no longer worried about the ozone hole is recovering because it is or because they jumped onto the next bandwagon? They jumped before it ever did.
Same with acid rain, they lost interest well before it played out.