The only way to disagree with it would be:
1. Find an error.
2. Deny reality.
Climate "skeptics" fall into category 2.
You do know, that (for example) space-time uses a different geometry model than the classical models, do you? So, how would you react if this thread was about relativistic space-time, and someone would post:
Everyone can do the simple experiments that prove that Euclidean geometry works.
The only way to disagree with it would be:
1. Find an error.
2. Deny reality.
Relativistic space-time "believers" fall into category 2.
Sure, you would respond with: "No, you got it backward: relativity was a new concept, with a new theory. The disbelievers are the ones that still believe in the Newtonian ones! They have to disprove that relativity is valid!"
(That's what you did the last two times this came up.)
To which my response is: Every other time, you claim that the NEW theory has to prove itself against all the old ones. It has to reproduce all the old experiments, next to supplying new experiments that prove that it is a BETTER theory.
Make up your mind, don't cherry-pick.
... and then we get lost in the "insufficient data" department, as all the figures thrown around are created by someone or some group, by manipulating some dataset that isn't very accurate or consistent to begin with.
Which is something you always gross over and don't care about, as they're the "official" figures. They're confirmed by committees and politicians.
It's simply common sense to believe them.
Like, everyone knows that paper cups are much more ecological friendly that Styrofoam ones. It makes common sense to believe that if you don't have the background to either find that comical or sad.
Or, in other words (for the umptied time): either simply admit that you don't know it yourself, but are a firm believer of the "common sense" and official publications, or show here what new experiments are better explained by that new theory.