the ignoramus
Videogame sequels are always supposed to improve despite being rehashes so just like Halo 2 improved over Halo 1, I am not surprised that GoW2 improves over GoW1.
What I am puzzled is as to why they have to insist that you must be a "hater" in particular...
However when I bring up the word "rehash" its a stark reference to reviewers in general and how they were viewing 2d fighters from Capcom during their heyday (specially during Dreamcast days) only they were using it then as a negative term I guess implying that those games should have gone 3d, but thats another topic, reviews make for great entertainment in the eventual purchase of a game be them positive or negative despite how positive or negative reviewers have been.
But didnt you listen to the review?
It "retained its identity" like all "sequels should" and didnt attempt to change a formula that already worked. (paraphrasing here)