Full Auto 2 Review


Possibly the first good Xbox360 to PS3 port ? Earlier than I expected (based on time it took for PS2 to catch up to Dreamcast) :LOL:

Review at IGN

Full Auto 2 improves on its predecessor in almost every way imaginable. The destructible environments work well and actually change the flow of every race and the battle arenas add variety. What's more, the game runs smoother and looks better than its older sibling. It's still light on story, so those looking for added narrative won't find it. Still, it's a safe bet most players didn't care about story the first time around. They'll care even less now thanks to all the added content.
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Not a terrible review. I'm thinking about getting this (mainly for the multiplayer modes). Got some other games I'd like to get first. But I might just ask for it from "Santa" so I dont have to buy it. :LOL:

thanks for the link. :)
Well, they've had a full year additional development time, it'd be a pretty poor performance by the developer if the game hadn't improved both visually and in gameplay. The sequel seems to be a decent game, good for them!
Well, they've had a full year additional development time, it'd be a pretty poor performance by the developer if the game hadn't improved both visually and in gameplay.

Naming no names, not all devs have been (or been able to for whatever reason) taking advantage of the extra dev time.
Gamespot's review is up : http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/driving/fullauto2/review.html

They gave it a low score, but its worth mentioning that this game has 1080p support, more physics, more destruction, and still runs at a higher framerate.

Full Auto 2 runs in 1080p, if you're equipped with a television that can handle it. Even at this high resolution, the game runs at a mostly stable frame rate, but it isn't as smooth as Ridge Racer 7, the other 1080p racing game on the PS3.
Might grab it when its on one of those 30-40 dollar sales. Or rent it. Hardknock seemed to enjoy the first one, gotta see what the fuss is about. :)