Oh, I've already done that like a week ago. It redirects me correctly when I am in a specific subforum (say PC Games) and click on a thread with new messages. But the link of the thread is then something like beyond3d/thread_name-thread_nr/unread. What I am talking about is when I am in forum.beyond3d.com and it shows what is the most recently posted in thread, the link is directly to the post which is most recent. Previously this was not so - it actually redirected to the last unread post, not the most recent one. However since I seem to be the only one complaining either that is a problem only on my end (although I also clicked "Marked Forums Read" again the check and it still so) or no one else seems to care about this

Now I know that this doesn't sound like much of a hassle, but it still is one additional redirection even if I actually want to read the most recent thread, but don't want to skip all new entries. Especially for forums like the Console one, where you also have multiple subforums and don't know where that thread is to go directly there.