Fight Night Round 4

I'm not bothered about online play personally, I play the game against my friends and I'm afraid none of them will be playing this game without button controls. One of this games biggest plus points was always that it was a great party game, removing button controls takes that away.
Well I'm really surprised, to be honest. I did the tiny tutorial and found the controls very intuitive. I guess it's a bit like people used to the analog stick not wanting to use motion controls under any circumstance, or d-pad people not wanting to move to analog stick controls. ;) (just teasing)
The new training games took me a little while to get used to. My first fighter, I balanced out his training and was only doing one training session per fight. I found that eventually I was fighting guys with higher stats, even though I was fighting the lowest ranked opponent available. I wanted to retire as greatest of all time, so I restarted with a new plan.

My second fighter I do two training sessions per fight, focusing on speed and stamina, with punch accuracy as the number three. It's been a huge help. Now that my speed and stamina are both in the 80s, I'm starting to train power and my toughness stats. Everything seems to be working out. It's also helped that I've been able to get maximum bonus on the training games most times.

My heavyweight is pretty funny. He's 5'11" and 200lbs with normal reach. He looks like a skinny kid compared to the 6'5" 250lb behemoths. It probably wasn't a good choice for me because I'm more of a mover and an outside fighter. I work the jab a lot, move inside for a combo and then move back out. With a short jab, relative the the much taller bigger guys, I find they have enough reach to counter my punches and hit me with uppercuts. If you're going to be an inside fighter, you need to have your toughness stats high because you're bound to be hit with some haymaker uppercuts as counters, either to the head or body.

Oh, and using Mike Tyson is hilarious. The guys head movement must be 100, because you can whip his torso around at a hundred miles per hour. I'm glad they actually made him a speed fighter like he was when he was young, and not slow power puncher.
Robert gave me his knockout secret and it worked for two fights. I blew out a couple of scrubs. Then I fought some guys that seemed to block it and I ended out in a few more drag-out wars scoring knockouts in the 9th and 10th rounds after rising from the mat. If my fighter was a real person, he'd be insanely popular. He'd have the action and heart of Arturo Gatti combined with some actual skill. I wish I could record these fights, because some of them have been wars worth watching over. Trading knockdowns in the same round, massive cuts (not me), fighting until our health and stamina bars are pretty much as low as they can be.

I love this game.
Once they re-implement button controls I'll almost definitely nab this.

My delicate (aww) thumbs were swelling and screaming at the end of the practice round in the trial. Which is a shame since the game seems to be a really enticing purchase.

I personally like the controls a lot, but not at the expense of pain.
Once they re-implement button controls I'll almost definitely nab this.

My delicate (aww) thumbs were swelling and screaming at the end of the practice round in the trial. Which is a shame since the game seems to be a really enticing purchase.

You must be jamming those sticks. You can flick the punches. You don't need to push the stick all the way over. Especially the hooks. You can do it as a quick flick. Maybe my manly hands are more durable from work.

My only problem is my hands start sweating and my thumbs slide off the sticks. That's probably because my house is around 27 Celcius right now.
Well as I promised I gave the game a real go and I won't be returning it. I'm still not sure if I'm totally convinced that the stick mode should be the only option in the game and I'm also unsure how it will fare as a party game. However single player its an excellent game.
Once they re-implement button controls I'll almost definitely nab this.

My delicate (aww) thumbs were swelling and screaming at the end of the practice round in the trial. Which is a shame since the game seems to be a really enticing purchase.

I personally like the controls a lot, but not at the expense of pain.

Is it certain they will add punch buttons? I got really burned last year by Madden where they said they were going to fix stuff in a DLC and then EA dropped the issue :devilish:

Well as I promised I gave the game a real go and I won't be returning it. I'm still not sure if I'm totally convinced that the stick mode should be the only option in the game and I'm also unsure how it will fare as a party game. However single player its an excellent game.

Posts like this make me feel like I am missing out big time :cry:
Online sucks unless you're fighting people you know. The online product is nothing like real boxing.

Basically everyone makes their guy as tall as possible with as long a reach as possible because you can spam jabs and straights endlessly. Even if you hit a guy with a right cross while he's jabbing, it won't interrupt. If you get inside, they just spam the jab as fast as possible and you can see your health bar draining away.

The other problem is body shot spamming. You can throw body shots non-stop for some reason, without your stamina draining away. The guys will hit you with a couple body shots that drain most of your stamina and then they're on you throwing a million punches. You can't block them all, and your footspeed is too slow to get out. So it just turns into a brawl, but you'll lose because your stamina is low and theirs is staying high.

It's really annoying to fight a guy and all he does is spam straights and double tap the stuck to jump backwards every time you try to get inside. You can block but never counter because your reach is too short,
first DLC adds button controls, sliders to adjust the counter window, stamina and punch accuracy, and some other crap that doesn't matter. Personally, I'd cut the counter window down quite a bit, and probably drop stamina as well. I'd like to see them add a legitimate "sim" mode that adjusts counters and stamina as well as the AI. I'm not sure the opponent AI will adapt to changes in the stamina or counter window sliders. My disappointment in the difficulty levels is that the AI doesn't change or get more difficult. You just seem to get stunned a lot more when you're countered.

This is free in August. More dlc to come later on, I guess.
The counter system is just as cheesy as the parry system albeit somewhat more natural and not as easy to pull off, but still cheesy none the less.

You're not really countering someone in FN4. You just rewarded with a temporary juiced up punch if you time a punch with a slip or a block. Im sorry but thats not a counter, a true counter punch takes advantage of a momentary weakness in your opponents defense created when your opponent performs a punch.

I hate it when I slip a jab, get hit by my opponents second punch (a right hand) only to score a counter punch after I got hit with his second punch because I successfully slip the first punch. My opponents should of been rewarded with a heavy punch, since I slip my head right into his right hand.
They need to really overhaul the online for this game. In a way it should play very much different from the single player. As a boxing fan, I play the SP like a boxing match, as does the CPU. This makes it fun.

Online, as Scott points out, is a spamming disaster. They need to completely revamp the stamina for online. If you're a heavyweight, you're NOT throwing 100+ punches round after round. That's ridiculous. The stamina should be progressively depleted throughout EACH round. That means you can have a high punch output but you'll burn your self out so with 1:30 to go in the round, you might be left to just run around the ring only being able to throw the occasional jab or 1,2.

Then once the round is over your stamina bar is back to being full minus some of the overall reduction you get between rounds as is the case now.

So not only does your max stamina decrease each round but during the round it decreases also based on your punch output. This will help stop the spamming as the 1,2 machines will either learn to box or end up being stat boosters for those who understand the sport.
The counter system is just as cheesy as the parry system albeit somewhat more natural and not as easy to pull off, but still cheesy none the less.

You're not really countering someone in FN4. You just rewarded with a temporary juiced up punch if you time a punch with a slip or a block. Im sorry but thats not a counter, a true counter punch takes advantage of a momentary weakness in your opponents defense created when your opponent performs a punch.

I hate it when I slip a jab, get hit by my opponents second punch (a right hand) only to score a counter punch after I got hit with his second punch because I successfully slip the first punch. My opponents should of been rewarded with a heavy punch, since I slip my head right into his right hand.

I agree 100%. Maybe the physics behind the damage model isn't as great as they want us to believe, and this is the only way they could have flash stuns fit into the game.

The countering is really annoying on the harder difficulties. The CPU will do one of the bob and weave moves to slip under your jab, opening the counter window and allowing them to land a stunning punch. I'm sorry, but it's a damn jab. Some fighters have lazy jabs and they'll get hit with a timed counter punch, but that isn't how it's working in the game.

I still think it's the best game in the series, but the countering system is just a watered down variation of the parry system in the previous games.
They need to really overhaul the online for this game. In a way it should play very much different from the single player. As a boxing fan, I play the SP like a boxing match, as does the CPU. This makes it fun.

Online, as Scott points out, is a spamming disaster. They need to completely revamp the stamina for online. If you're a heavyweight, you're NOT throwing 100+ punches round after round. That's ridiculous. The stamina should be progressively depleted throughout EACH round. That means you can have a high punch output but you'll burn your self out so with 1:30 to go in the round, you might be left to just run around the ring only being able to throw the occasional jab or 1,2.

Then once the round is over your stamina bar is back to being full minus some of the overall reduction you get between rounds as is the case now.

So not only does your max stamina decrease each round but during the round it decreases also based on your punch output. This will help stop the spamming as the 1,2 machines will either learn to box or end up being stat boosters for those who understand the sport.

THe main thing they need to do is force you to pause between combinations. They have it so you don't lose much stamina as long as your punches are landing so you don't swing wildly. But it's hard to defend with lag online with the opponent spamming punches fast punches. Even trying to slip shots and block, I can't do much better than avoiding 50%. And with your block meter dropping and your stamina sapped from only a few punches to the body, you're basically unable to run, defend, or even land shots in return.

They need to make it so with each punch you throw, your punches slow down more and more, regardless of whether they're connecting or being blocked/dodged. After a two or three punch combination, you should ideally have to take a second before throwing your next punch. Rarely do you see a boxer throw four or five punch combinations, and it is extremely rare to see anything higher than that. I know it's a video game, so you want the action to be more exciting than some of the dull fights you see on tv, but making the fifth or sixth punch start to seem really slow doesn't seem like a big deal. That would completely eliminate the spam fests you see online, because you'd be more likely to get hit with a big shot between your slow punches. It would also allow a little more of the defensive side of the game, and would reward people for throwing smart combinations rather than spamming randomly.
I fought the Rank 1 lightweight guy on Xbox Live tonight. He knocked me out in the first round with 2 flash knockdowns. All he did was that bob and weave move followed with a hook and it hocked me down. I'm not sure if it was a haymaker hook, but it didn't look like it. Maybe he was using short arms to get high damage inside. He was really tall, but I never checked his reach.

This game is all about the bob and weave. A lot of guys will just sit and time the bob an weave off your jab to land counters, and that's all they do. I've beaten anyone that's tried to box me normally.

I'm 5-2 or 5-3 with my lightweight. Once I hit 10 wins, I'm done unless they do some serious patching, but I have a feeling I'll trade the game in some time in September-November. So many games are coming out, and I'll want to get good trade value.
I don't think you should give up on it, just find people that you can regularly play with who don't spam out things like that. I never understood that.

I just picked the game up, and I am SERIOUSLY enjoying it.

I have a question though. Does the difficulty have impact on all modes? I played Fight now, and tried to beat Tyson on GOAT, and got dominated. I went into Legacy mode w/a created superstar (who actually reflects my personal stats, a stubby gent, 5'9" at 170) and I'm just getting dominated constantly. I don't know if it's because my stats are so low (about a 61 overall rating) or because I'm just not "clicking". Plus, seems everytime I go into the sparring modes, I'm almost ALWAYS fighting against a heavyweight. WTF is that about?
Yeah, if you change the difficulty in your main settings, it affects all modes. There is a way to get into your options through the legacy menu and you can check to see what difficulty your legacy is set at. I accidentally started a legacy after playing in Fight Now on GOAT and was wondering why I was getting my ass kicked.

Your guy is a light heavyweight, so I'd thought you'd only fight light heavyweights in your legacy. Not sure why you'd see heavies in sparring. Usually they look like heavies because the computer seems to only pick the ripped muscular look for the randoms.

I finally got my 10 wins online with one fighter. I'm 10-3 or 10-4. I was using long reach with power punch. My problem was getting caught and stunned all the time and not being able to avoid the knockdown.

So I made a new middleweight and made him tall with short arms. Being tall helps you lean back to avoid punches to the head, because your head is just further away. I made the guy balanced punching to give him a little more speed. The short arms are supposed to make hooks and uppercuts on the inside do more damage. It works, and it is extremely cheap. Basically you just do the bob and weave move once you see your opponent start to throw a jab or straight at a distance. You'll get inside, get the counter window, and your hook will almost always stun him in one shot. Then you just wail away. It's stupid as hell. Do the punch motion during the bob and weave animation and you'll throw the punch immediately as you're coming out of it.

Basically, the whole point of the jab in boxing is ruined. Defensive fighters jab to smother their opponent, or hide another punch. You can't double or triple jab as your opponent is stepping in to keep him at distance. You basically get countered every time because the counter window is set off by a "perfect block", bob and weave or a simple dodge. You can't fight as a pressure fighter because there are too many ways to set off the counter window. I tend to be a boxer/puncher. I like to initiate, but the counters and stuns are just too much. Some of them are warranted, but a lot of them are just because of the huge amount of time the counter window allows for the opponent to land a big shot.

Online you're basically left with the counter puncher. That's the one and only way to play if you want a lot of wins. Be extremely defensive and counter punch using the bob and weave until you get your opponent stunned. Then wail away and go for a knockdown. Body punches off of counters are also great because they seem to drain the entire stamina bar which makes all your other punches do more damage.

The perfect block should be removed from the game. The counter window for any other defensive move should either be removed or shortened.

A lot of the problems stem from footwork. The way the players move, it is too easy to run away in the ring. The way you can spam the jab now, it would be too easy to run and jab your way to victory if they didn't have the obscene counter windows, cause by the various defensive moves.

Don't get me wrong, the game is the best in the series. I'm obviously down on the state of the online play because of people exploiting certain deficiencies in the game, but if you want an awesome fighter to play with your friends, or in legacy mode, you'll be very happy.

Despite my down talk, I'd give this game an 8/10 on my irrelevant scale. It's very good.
I'm assuming you have the 360 version? I wish I had that one so I could play a few matches with you, you seem to know what you're talking about.

Hopefully I can find some good opponents online on PS3