Ragemare said:
On a related note slashdot has a much bigger poll;
well thats 32,000 sales in the bag for Nintendo
Then again, as an avid Slashdot reader, I can tell you that many people were going to buy one regardless of what they showed at E3, regardless of what the price of the PS3 was, and regardless of any other factor.
All that is representative of are the hardcore N fans who will buy any console on an idea alone... and that's what the Slashdot forums have been filled with since they heard the very first idea of the wiimote.
Somebody earlier made a good point.. what about lifepsan? How is their second or third tennis title going to be any different than their first?
Then again, I made a similar comment after E3 in terms of how Nintendo would be able to market this device. From watching the videos, it doesn't appear that you can realistically include a wiimote as a controller for all the kiosks in all the stores. That's problem number one. Problem number two is that if they do manage to overcome that first hurdle, will people quickly become bored of it, when they can sample it for however long they want to for free at their local store?
Again, as a far as this poll is concerned, I think all you need to do is look at the wording of the poll to understand its importance.
Clearly the Wii and the PS3 will be more anticipated than the 360 or the DS (or the PSP). Something that doesn't exist yet, and isn't available, will certainly be more anticipated or looked forward to, than something that is currently available.
Am I more anticipating the 2003 Chevy Camaro that I can buy right now, or am I looking forward more to the proposed 2008 Chevy Camaro?
Clearly, I'm far more interested in what they provide in 2008 because it's an unknown. It's far more interesting, and leaves far more to the imagination. I already know what the 2003 is like.
That doesn't mean that the 2003 version won't sell more, however. Just like it doesn't mean the PS3 or Wii will sell more than the DS or the PSP or the 360. It only means anticipation is higher, and you really can't have anticipation with something that is currently available.