Far Cry 4

God rays after patch 1.04 look great! The game is even more atmospheric and living than before.



For reference without god rays it looked like this:


Contrasts are still the same with new patch, looking good:
Before patch 1.04:

After patch 1.04:

EDIT: it's patch 1.04, not 1.4, I corrected this post
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That's a bit of a bummer. I really don't care for god-rays at all in games. It's because it mostly gets abused and you have god-rays coming from every single lighting source, even lightening bugs. Although in the screens posted it's not entirely overblown and overused, so it might actually be an overall improvement for FC4.
Crappy off screen pic from Xbox one version. It appears to be god rays, not quite as strong an effect as those Ps4 shots though .


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So is everyone done with this game? I got this for Christmas and am loving it - played around 12hrs which shows how restricted my gaming time is these days :(

Anyway, I got to one of the towers and I couldn't find a way in (main way in boarded up)...I also found one of the 'safe villages' that was for some reason locked...are these places 'locked' until I get a certain way into the story? I tend to find I'm having enough fun just going around doing side missions and finding stuff.
All I see up there ^ is a strong lens flare and glow. God Rays are volumetric streaks of light which filter through leaves/windows/crracks etc. Basically, volumetric light which is getting occluded by objects causing a streak of "shadows" in air. Those screens up there don't have Volumetric lights, just a flare and a glow.

Anyways, I have the game, will check. Usually rays are visible only at an angle.
So is everyone done with this game? I got this for Christmas and am loving it - played around 12hrs which shows how restricted my gaming time is these days :(

Anyway, I got to one of the towers and I couldn't find a way in (main way in boarded up)...I also found one of the 'safe villages' that was for some reason locked...are these places 'locked' until I get a certain way into the story? I tend to find I'm having enough fun just going around doing side missions and finding stuff.

Some of the towers need you to look for a grapple point on the outside to get in and some have hidden tunnels that lead you in from underneath. You can always jump from a buzzer to get to the top. Though I did die quiet a lot doing that!

You're right about the 'locked' places. They are pivotal points on the main story and will unlock as you progress.

I'm on my fourth play through now, I seem to have developed an intense hatred of all wildlife, especially Rhino's.!
So is everyone done with this game? I got this for Christmas and am loving it - played around 12hrs which shows how restricted my gaming time is these days :(
I got maybe a quarter/third in but have had very little time lately to play console games. I loved what I played and do look forward to get back to playing it.
Some of the towers need you to look for a grapple point on the outside to get in and some have hidden tunnels that lead you in from underneath. You can always jump from a buzzer to get to the top. Though I did die quiet a lot doing that!

You're right about the 'locked' places. They are pivotal points on the main story and will unlock as you progress.

I'm on my fourth play through now, I seem to have developed an intense hatred of all wildlife, especially Rhino's.!

Cheers for the input - at least I now know!! My main issue is I'm at the point where I need to keep spending money and I don't really want to - ie the guns that soak up the cash are not worth it and I'd rather wait! In fact I just last night unlocked the flare gun and some shot-gun, took on 2 rhinos and lived to tell the story (just!).

I've just upgraded to the syringes too (so I need to read up on what they do) - man I really love the game but sometimes find the lack of direction a little frustrating...I guess I'll just do a little more of the store now :)
Cheers for the input - at least I now know!! My main issue is I'm at the point where I need to keep spending money and I don't really want to - ie the guns that soak up the cash are not worth it and I'd rather wait! In fact I just last night unlocked the flare gun and some shot-gun, took on 2 rhinos and lived to tell the story (just!).

I've just upgraded to the syringes too (so I need to read up on what they do) - man I really love the game but sometimes find the lack of direction a little frustrating...I guess I'll just do a little more of the store now :)
Just keep hunting and upgrading your equipment. Keep hunting and selling skins. Always loot dead enemies. You'll have more money than you'll know what to do with.
I have too much money already! Argh - I just relaised I upgraded my explosives bag when I should have held back and upgraded my wallet! D'oh!

I would spend cash on the maps but I want to leave those until the end if I feel like finding all the odds and ends.
Get a good LMG and mow down anyone that even tries to look at you :runaway:

Grenade launcher, SA50 sniper, Buzzsaw, and the SPAS. Nothing gets in your way! I particularly like taking down Rhino's with a single shot from the sniper. Or positioning yourself so that you can take down a whole row of baddies with a single shot. Mind you aiming the grenade launcher just in front of an oncoming vehicle and flipping it, A-Team style, over your head is quite satisfying.