Far Cry 4

2nd: I know how to make other syringes but how do I take them ?
On PS4 I'm sure you hold L1 then R1 to switch from weapon wheel to syringe wheel, and select which syringe type you want to use.
1. The radio guy you mean? If so, he's one of the green side missions and they're actually some of the most fun missions.
2. Press R1 while selecting weapons, move the cursor with the touch pad or right stick to one of them and let go of L1. Must say, I hate changing weapons and syringes in fc4, it's such a pain at times.
I hate changing weapons and syringes in fc4, it's such a pain at times.

Weapons selection in FC4 is okay because you can just use the D-Pad but syringes is annoying. I disliked the 'smart' grenades in CoD: Advanced Warfare as well - and there seems to be no way to cancel throwing a grenade in the game.
The quest guys have markers on the map, but sometimes they get hidden in the mess.

You make them almost the same way you take them, hit R1 + L1 and then the button next to the description.

I finally finished the game and beat all the fortresses, which were pretty easy with my guns. I also finished the fashion week missions. I have not tried co-op or MP yet.
Thought it would of been obvious but I dont use a game pad
i bring up the syringe wheel move the mouse right so its over the hunting syringe and the only thing it says is left mouse button to craft the right button switches back to the weapon wheel
he's one of the green side missions and they're actually some of the most fun missions
yes but where is he so i can get some missions from him
The last Shangri-La mission is just the most ridiculous thing I've ever tried to do in my life. Why do these devs insist on making us hate them and the great games they make? What the hell is the point in a mission as difficult as this? What a bunch of sadists.
Finished the game and most of the side missions, now working my way through this stupid, retarded excuse for a "difficult" mission, where all logic goes down the toilet in order to make something "very difficult". You know what, abandon mission and f'k this shit! I can't spent an entire day on one stupid mission, for some karma points!

Considering the Ubisoft Open-World Game Formula is based upon all sorts of goofy unlocks, points and achievements, I don't think it's all that surprising that they would do something annoying like that.
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It's just the most retarded thing I've seen in a long time.
The Shangri-La missions were all very cool - not in small part because the setting looks so beautiful - until this last one.
Not only in these levels you're much slower than usual, not only you only have that stupid bow and no health syringes, but here you have to kill a stupid fire-spitting metal bird by shooting it in his mouth - in that half-second window of time he keeps it open - three times in a row until he falls on the floor so you can shoot him in the mouth again, only to see him get up again, slightly damaged and ready to go again. This cycle repeats three times.
But wait! In the meantime he summons those stupid masked Shangri-La enemies, and during each of the three cycles he goes from summoning three at a time (a few times) to six (many times) to God knows how many in the final cycle. Ah and in the third part he also summons the fire spitting demons, because Ubisoft.
I only managed to get to the third part a couple of times and of course I didn't make it through. Cause of course I should have the ability to slowly move around to avoid arrows, fire bombs, stupid exploding dogs, fire spitting demons, all at once while waiting for that 'healing myself' animation to finish.
And of course if you die, you start all over from the beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ignore and avoid the minions by running around the arena and shoot the boss. Thats how I beat this level. It was unbeatable when I tried to kill all the minions first.
Regarding how to take syringes, here's how to do it.
Press syringe wheel button
Select the syringe you want to take
While the syringe is selected release the syringe wheel button.

no body knows where rabi ray rhana is located ?
the on screen tip says "visit rabi ray rhana to receive propaganda quests"
He's at the bottom right corner of Kyrat, named as propaganda mission I think.

It's really stupid because he says "I'll send you my co ordinates" and then you have to spend ages searching for it in this game because the UI is so cluttered with shit and a lot of things don't appear until you zoom in. If it's a side mission stuff then it won't even show no matter how much you zoom if you have not liberated the radio towers.

I had to disable all the icons in order to find him and even then it took a good 20-30 seconds since it didn't come up until searched all areas of the map while being zoomed in. Same thing happened with this other character for a main mission, said "I'll send you my co ordinates now" but I didn't find it anywhere and then suddenly a few random missions/karma missions later he's on the map.
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I found him by mistake. But liberating all the towers is really the first thing you do in the game! Towers, outposts then worry about the missions.
It is finally getting its hooks onto me. The random eents really bring life to the othrwise Hunting+Outpost+Tower simulator.

I haven't done that much yet but from what I see FC3 was better in outpost design and Tower puzzle design. Also it had identifiable separate areas, here everything looks the same to me. Same kindof trees, same kindof landscape, same shrubs everywhere. The green +Red combo of FC3 looked fantastic,, this looks great but not exciting in any way.

But yes, the gameplay has finally hitting me now. Hope the later outposts and towers are more engaging.
Patch 1.4 (PS4) with notably:

- God rays are back in the game!
- Fixed god ray issue (I really hope it's the washed out image because of some contrasts problem when god rays were present in pre-patched game)
- 2H co-op demo without any key
- others stuff

I am currently downloading the patch (635mo)

I just remembered I haven't finished this. I hope to get a chance to dive back in after Christmas!