Far Cry 4

Grenade launcher, SA50 sniper, Buzzsaw, and the SPAS. Nothing gets in your way! I particularly like taking down Rhino's with a single shot from the sniper. Or positioning yourself so that you can take down a whole row of baddies with a single shot. Mind you aiming the grenade launcher just in front of an oncoming vehicle and flipping it, A-Team style, over your head is quite satisfying.

seems not doing the missions is holding me back quite a bit!
Mind you aiming the grenade launcher just in front of an oncoming vehicle and flipping it, A-Team style, over your head is quite satisfying.

Back in FC3 I threw a grenade in the path of a speeding jeep and it exploded about 6ft above it - dead centre - creating an air burst which flattened the jeep and blew everyone in it outwards in opposite directions - killing them of course... F'ing awesome!
I can confirm that God Rays are indeed present in the XBOX One version (Just bought it a few minutes ago).
Check the clip I just recorded:
Strange that nobody reported it and still thinks that only the PS4 version has them (and PC obviously).
Fun fact: I had to restart the game after it fully installed to finally get them. Started playing while it was till downloading and installing the game and noticed that they where not present. Waited t'ill it finished ( the patch obviously got installed last I guess) and voila.
I can confirm that God Rays are indeed present in the XBOX One version (Just bought it a few minutes ago).
Check the clip I just recorded:
Strange that nobody reported it and still thinks that only the PS4 version has them (and PC obviously).
Fun fact: I had to restart the game after it fully installed to finally get them. Started playing while it was till downloading and installing the game and noticed that they where not present. Waited t'ill it finished ( the patch obviously got installed last I guess) and voila.
Glad they put them in. I haven't played FC4 in about a month. Gonna have to fire it up tonight.
PLayed the game after patch. The God-rays re an eye-wash. There are no god-rays, just a lens flare around the Sun :rolleyes: . This in an age when every other game is touting volumetric lights, for main light sources at least.Bleh ! Even Far Cry 2 had them, why not in 4?

On the game: well, the best method to hunt Rhinos is : Riding Elephants :D ! No shots fired and wallet upgraded !
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On PS4 they definitely put them in. And to be honest they are much more subtle and realistic than in most other games - where the sun seems to be shooting lasers to our eyes.
Is this effect really that taxing, and most importantly is it really essential?
On the game: well, the best method to hunt Rhinos is : Riding Elephants :D ! No shots fired and wallet upgraded !

Elephants are my preferred method of entrance to fortresses. Straight through the front door, grenade launcher blazing. So satisfying and very, very noisy!
Now the weapons are unlocking things are getting more fun! I now have the M79 so driving around has been carnage!! So I have a reasonable sniper rifle with silencer and zoom, the M79 and bow and arrow along with a machine gun thatI can't remember what it is (probably AK103), but it's pretty good - so I feel I have a good balance for most situations. I'm also enjoying the elephants in the game, it's making life a bit easier against some of the wildlife!
You people got me drooling over this game and I purchased it yesterday along with NBA 2k15 -can't wait to play with my Atlanta Hawks!!-, Threes, Giana Sisters and Life is Strange. I've spent a bit of a fortune on all of that, and I say a fortune 'cos I am kinda poor, but I really wanted those games and most of them aren't expensive. FC4 was on sale yesterday. NBA 2k15 is on sale today, alas, but not yesterday. Had I waited another day I'd save 30€... :/
quick question, been thinking of getting the season pass for this while it's on sale - the version of game I have is the sepcial edtion so I have the hurks redemption DLC which is 3 missions, the DLC that comes with the season pass has 5 missions for hurk - am I correct in thinking that if I buy the season pass the DLC I got with the game offers nothing extra so could sell on?
quick question, been thinking of getting the season pass for this while it's on sale - the version of game I have is the sepcial edtion so I have the hurks redemption DLC which is 3 missions, the DLC that comes with the season pass has 5 missions for hurk - am I correct in thinking that if I buy the season pass the DLC I got with the game offers nothing extra so could sell on?
I haven't tried with FC4 but in my experience with the season pass, when you buy it the game will offer you a fixed amount of DLC for free until you get the exact amount of DLC detailed in the original offer, so if with the season pass you can get 5 DLC items for free, whatever they might be, the deal won't expire until you got the terms both parts agreed to.

I've been playing the game and finally completed the prologue. I loved it, although I thought the game wasn't open world, so good I was wrong. The only thing I miss is the per pixel hit detection from Far Cry 2. Fire doesn't seem to propagate either -haven't tried though.
2 screenshots I particularly like (as usual jpg compression doesn't help the image quality):


can anyone help? I have completed the 'sermon on the mount' mission but can't seem to progress the story any further, I've put ~20hrs in and at ~35% with half the map "unlocked"...looking at wiki it seems my next mission is reclamation which is apparently by the poppy fields...anyone know where that is or why the story seems stuck!?
can anyone help? I have completed the 'sermon on the mount' mission but can't seem to progress the story any further, I've put ~20hrs in and at ~35% with half the map "unlocked"...looking at wiki it seems my next mission is reclamation which is apparently by the poppy fields...anyone know where that is or why the story seems stuck!?
Freeing outposts usually unlocks main story missions..
Freeing outposts usually unlocks main story missions..
Thanks!! Not that I needed to know that for now, as I am just 9 hours into the game, but it's always good to know.

On another note, now that there is a DLC featuring the Yeti, apparently the Yeti isn't what people think it is:



cheers, I have 'unlocked' quite a chu.nk of the map...I suppose it'll do no harm to unlock more

cyan, don't get me started on DLC - my daughter accidentally bought the PS3 version and as such has effectively thrown £20 away as Sony refuse to help in any way :(