Far Cry 4

Yeah but when you get to the second main area the bow no longer gives you those very convenient one-hit kills so it becomes a lot harder to sneak and kill everyone without them noticing.

An arrow to the head is not a one hit kill? I find the trick to stealth kills is luring (using rocks) enemies to more isolated areas where, even if you need a couple of shots, you can do that without the target shouting out and alerting comrades. And now you can easily move bodies it's easy to hide them from discovery. Enemies never seem to notice they are the only person left in a camp that previously had 20 guys in ;-)

Add to that the sudden spike in difficulty where you take massive damage from one single shot and every enemy seemingly transforming into an x-ray-vision equipped mutant, it gets tough. And also throwing meat for the odd tiger to help you out becomes useless as they gun the poor beast down before it can take down the enemies.

I recall Far Cry 3 had the same sudden difficulty increase on the second island but the rules for reducing your visibility remained - keep to the shadows, don't stand against the sun, move slow. Hopefully the same is true for Far Cry 4 but I've not progressed any further than I had on Sunday!

I hope it doesn't just get stupid
Somehow they see you behind pants and trees which is quite challenging, to use a nice word!
And a hit to the head works but from far away hitting the head with the now isn't easy - though very satisfying when you do it.
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Somehow they see you behind pants and trees which is quite challenging, to use a nice word!
Do they perhaps they have IR or NVG equipment? I hate rubbish (and unfair) mechanics. I've only come across one sniper with a laser sight thus far (in the mission where you chose to destroy or capture the Kyra Tea Factory).

And a hut to the head works but from far away hitting the head with the now isn't easy - though very satisfying when you do it.

I'm pretty good getting bow head-shots up to around 80 meters, beyond that I'll settle for an arrow through the neck or torso. I'm not fussy ;) Maybe I'll need to switch to a high-powered suppressed sniper rifle - do you know if there's one in the game?
I am having a blast with FC4.
It can get kinda nerve wracking at times though. Example you are on a mission to free an outpost. You arrive at the outpost and start taking out the guards when an entire pack of 7 wolves attack you while you are still trying to kill the guards. You have to really be careful when you reload your ammo and switch your weapons while healing. Add on to this situation getting attacked by a black eagle while still being chased by wolves and hatchet welding guards, Hunters shooting you with arrows and machine gunners. It is so much fun sometimes. I love how the friendly NPCs freak out about predator animals. I saw a girl kill a leapord with a rocket launcher after saying "Look it's a leopard!"
Do they perhaps they have IR or NVG equipment? I hate rubbish (and unfair) mechanics. I've only come across one sniper with a laser sight thus far (in the mission where you chose to destroy or capture the Kyra Tea Factory).

I'm pretty good getting bow head-shots up to around 80 meters, beyond that I'll settle for an arrow through the neck or torso. I'm not fussy ;) Maybe I'll need to switch to a high-powered suppressed sniper rifle - do you know if there's one in the game?
The 2nd sniper rifle won't even kill animals with a headshot much less NPCs. It has a sound suppressor, 2x scope and extended clip but it takes 2 headshots to kill a freaking deer.
It sounds like you're going full on which does make for a more hectic and unpredictable life. If you're visible and making noise that will attract wildlife. If you haven't tried it yet, try a stealthier approach or if that's really not your game style, at least fit a suppressor to your weapon to reduce the noise your make when going full Rambo :)

It also helps to stop every so often and look around. If you see wildlife nearby, you can distract it with a well placed rock in the opposite direction. The Eagles are a bugger though and if you're moving, you're visible to them.
The 2nd sniper rifle won't even kill animals with a headshot much less NPCs. It has a sound suppressor, 2x scope and extended clip but it takes 2 headshots to kill a freaking deer.

Do you know which one it is - I want to avoid that! I have the SVD which certainly does kill dudes with a single shot - head or upper torso, but has no suppressor. Mind you, it can't kill much wildlife with in a single headshot either. Animal skulls in Kyrat are thick ;)
Do they perhaps they have IR or NVG equipment? I hate rubbish (and unfair) mechanics. I've only come across one sniper with a laser sight thus far (in the mission where you chose to destroy or capture the Kyra Tea Factory).

I'm pretty good getting bow head-shots up to around 80 meters, beyond that I'll settle for an arrow through the neck or torso. I'm not fussy ;) Maybe I'll need to switch to a high-powered suppressed sniper rifle - do you know if there's one in the game?
They're simple snipers with helmets and armour which makes them hard to kill less you use extreme force which generally is too loud for the style of playing you would have used in the first part of the game.
I love it, it just literally spikes up all at once and it takes some getting used to. Cause realistically some of the outposts in the first area are so easy it's hilarious.
I think that as soon as they go on alert mode (they turn red on the minimap), anyone can see you from a million miles away and they deal double the damage as before.
So in the first part you are a demigod, in the second part you die. A lot.
Do you know which one it is - I want to avoid that! I have the SVD which certainly does kill dudes with a single shot - head or upper torso, but has no suppressor. Mind you, it can't kill much wildlife with in a single headshot either. Animal skulls in Kyrat are thick ;)
The only thing so far that kills everything is that special super loud sniper/rifle called Nitro something. I love it but you don't conquer outpost with that as it's far too revealing. But DAMN. It rips everyone to pieces. You can buy it, but it unlocks for free at some point later in the game.
I don't remember the early outposts in Far Cry 3 being as easy as ones in South Kyrat. Even the outposts with multiple alarms, the alarm boxes seem to be really easy to shoot with an arrow from far out so you can disable the guys calling for backup. In addition I recall the outposts in Far Cry 3 were often on a road which was travelled by enemy militia in jeeps whereas natural backup for outposts seems much rarer in Far Cry 4.

Mind you, then they try to re-take an outpost they sure as hell do it in force!
I don't remember the early outposts in Far Cry 3 being as easy as ones in South Kyrat. Even the outposts with multiple alarms, the alarm boxes seem to be really easy to shoot with an arrow from far out so you can disable the guys calling for backup. In addition I recall the outposts in Far Cry 3 were often on a road which was travelled by enemy militia in jeeps whereas natural backup for outposts seems much rarer in Far Cry 4.

Mind you, then they try to re-take an outpost they sure as hell do it in force!

The slightly frustrating thing is getting attacked by a bloody leopard or tiger or whatever else while sneaking, which you either shoot or die. If you shoot them, you alert the enemies most times and ruin your whole strategy. If you don't shoot them you're fooked.
The slightly frustrating thing is getting attacked by a bloody leopard or tiger or whatever else while sneaking, which you either shoot or die. If you shoot them, you alert the enemies most times and ruin your whole strategy. If you don't shoot them you're fooked.

I've never seen two predators (baring dogs which travel in packs) in the same area yet. Maybe a tactic is to use bait either directly in the camp or somewhere away behind you to have something spawn that you can keep track of. Similarly you can craft a red/blue detection potion which shows there all enemies (human and animal) are so you can keep an eye on the mini-map.

I am pretty cautious though. I move, stop, survey, listen, move, stop, survey listen. That's not to say I haven't backed into a Rhino (I'm pretty sure it just spawned behind me) or been ganked by a leopard but mostly it's the eagles that catch me unawares. Equally it's nice to see eagles also attack your enemies when they are fighting you :)
Yeah the difficulty is strange. I sort of casually conquered DePleur's stronghold in one try yesterday. For awhile there were choppers flying around. I blew up a few with explosive arrows. When I ran out of arrows I figured I was SOL but I kept at killng the ground enemies. Suddenly the choppers all crashed and there was only one ground guy left.... It was like I had survived long enough that the game let me win.

It sounds like the area you guys are in with the tougher xray vision psychic baddies harkens back to FarCry1.
I am on the second part of the map doing open world random stuff, and yes it is snowing a bit even if it's hard to notice the snowflakes in this screenshot:

So I guess we're all done with this game now? lol

I haven't loaded it up in a few days. I think the Ubisoft formula isn't working on me yet again. I only bought it because the vibe here was so positive.
I've only liberated 4 towers and about 6 outposts. I've just been busy lately what with Christmas looming like a sparkly, shiny bauble of cheer! I have plenty more to do :)
I'm in the north and killed the last mini-boss. I have not tried a fortress yet, I was hoping to co-op them. I have most of the normal guns unlocked. I wish I had one more gun slot.
am getting a copy. Mostly to try out my hand at the editor. been a while since i created something and this time the editor seems to let you make a pretty big map with lots of NPCs. Whats the limit? on ps3 (FC3) the limit was too small to make anything close to your idea.
Need some help
1st: where is rabi ray rhana
2nd: I know how to make other syringes but how do I take them ?
