Cry 3
Multiplayer Modes Interview HD Cry 3
Team Play Interview HD
The lighting looks fantastic ! Wonder how it will look on the ps3. Far Cry 2 did have better shadows on the ps3 over 360.
Do we have any ps3 footage ?
The cycle repeats and it seems it’s simply an afternoon for being shot in the back; this I attribute in equal parts to my own failure to “check my corners” when indoors, my insistence on standing still to marvel and the scenery when outside and too slow a turning circle when using a 360 controller.
There’s a marked reduction in the number of bullets that are drilled into me once I ditch the pad and take up keyboard and mouse, though it’s then necessary to reduce mouse sensitivity to its lowest setting to avoid manic twitching (it’s surely no coincidence that we’re being shown a game known for its beauty on a PC powerful enough to host Skynet).
Very linear and non-interactive :\
Also very low quality SSAO.
Tap In said:
Lol...uncharted 3 rip off...very creative!
Still buying the game though...
Lol...uncharted 3 rip off...very creative!
Still buying the game though...
I remember Uncharted having much better animations and voice acting. I'm not sure why they are bothering showing off a terrible version of Uncharted 3. Between this and the Cod rip off MP, they are certainly making a good case to not buy the game. But they have yet to convince me of that.
So, after some searching around and getting a few conflicting answers, does anyone know quite what engine this is using? Is it a true DUNIA 2 or is DUNIA 2 a heavily modified Cryengine 3?