THey must be using Dunia ! They wouldn't abandon it after just one game. Its a good engine in the way it brought open jungles to consoles while still looking good.
I hope it isn't tied to an upgrade system. That would go against the whole theme of surviving with whatever tools you can find. Radiance Transfer Volumes: Global Illumination in Far Cry 3
That's a neat presentation! Not all the art looks great yet, but the lighting here and there looks really great, especially some of the ambient examples. Looks like they also have some PS3 specific optimisations this time.
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Game should please the older Far Cry fans to some extent, as it looks like both in graphical theme and freedom of movement it is much more like the first game.“Far Cry 3 Video Showcases Impressive Animation Tech”
wow that trailer has me back on this can not wait Cry 3: first in-game multiplayer footage