Fantastic 4

Ok, I am now officially pissed off....

I just got back from FF4 and i cant even begin at all even a little to understand what the HELL the reviewers are smoking. I can understand one or 2 reviews that are a little critical but this is by far the worse case of mass unjustified slamage i have ever seen.

This is a *Quality* and i mean *QUALITY* Comic book movie. They do a great job of introducing the characters. heck Doom even grew on me and i liked the guy (as a villan) by the end. This was so much like FF4 Comic that its not even funny.

Tim Story and the writers did a flat out MASTERFUL job of capturing the dead on feel of a FF4 issue. Seriously. I totally loved the script and the banter between the vaious characters. imo its the best by far for any *comic book* movie that was trying to be a *comic book movie*.

Jonny Storm, and the Thing clash perfectly through this entire flick. Sue Storm was a lot better than i was expecting. The guy playing reed richards nailed a younger version of the character. I read one review that said Chilkis thing was the strongest character the way Wolverine was in X-men. I cant even understand that one.. The Guy playing Jonny Storm was just plain awesome and single handedly made the movie a laugh riot in all the right ways.

The special effects could have been a little better but they were acceptable. For me personally i really, really, enjoyed the Pure Comic Book Blis of this movie and the portrayal of all the main characters.

I hope this movie makes a solid enough profit for the creators to follow through with their plans. Which is to have Silver Surfur as the "villan" as a Herald of Galactus in the seconf one and a Full on Galactus arival in the Third.

This is a Fine Film in my estemation and a Solid 3 stars, or 7 out of 10 but a solid positive 7 as a movie and an 8.5 as a super hero flick.

I think the critiques should be taken out and shot. I see no justification for their nearly unanimous panning of this flick. I only hope people go see it for themselves.
WTF is up With your Random capitolizations?

Rotten Tomatoes has a average rating of what, 21% for this flic right now? I doubt all reviewers are this far off. Besides, on another message board I'm seeing others post their opinions and they're likening the FF film to Elektra/Daredevil/Punisher quality, which isn't good.
*JOHN*... ;)

YOU are WRonG... 8)

Go see this flick, its awesome. I am sorry the reviews are just Kookie...

This film is way way better than Daredevil or Elektra.

TRUST me...

(note random caps used for emphasis)...
Hmm, I dunno. The previews looked REALLY bad.

I'm Mmarvel comics fan (much more so than DC) but boy, this just looks bad from what I've seen.

In addition, I don't think saying it's better than Daredevil or Elektra says much as those were two pretty bad films.

Mind you, I know I'm basing this off of the previews but I don't know if it's worth risking 2 hours of my time.
No movie that is pimped over and over again during the NBA playoffs has ever been "good." The Hulk started that trend last year and it seems as though F4 continues it this year. ;)
You know, a movie can be "close to the comic" and faithful to it... still doesnt make it a good movie. In the end they're rating how good the movie is as a movie, not how faithful it is to the comic. I'd imagine a faithful translation of the comic would have cheese spread all over it, which seems to be the case for most comic book adaptations except a very few titles.
Actually I always found the original FF series kind of lame... :oops:

Hope it's as good as you say though HB, I'll definately be checking it out.
london-boy said:
You know, a movie can be "close to the comic" and faithful to it... still doesnt make it a good movie. In the end they're rating how good the movie is as a movie, not how faithful it is to the comic. I'd imagine a faithful translation of the comic would have cheese spread all over it, which seems to be the case for most comic book adaptations except a very few titles.

I dont care what they say. The script rocks. the actors rock. The special effects are ok but not great. The only thing some people might not like is that the action is not totally over the top in this one and its more origin story driven.

This is a solid 3 Star summer movie.

Just trust me and go to a matinee. You will see. Its a Solid 7.
I haven't seen it, but I was expecting post to say how the movie to get good reviews, but be a crappy movie
I think (hope) it will be good though.
Hellbinder said:
perhaps you have to have been a FF comic buff to appriciate it.

That might be it. Even though I'm a Marvel comics fan, I just never cared for the Fantastic Four. I always thought they were kinda lame.
Ty said:
Hellbinder said:
perhaps you have to have been a FF comic buff to appriciate it.

That might be it. Even though I'm a Marvel comics fan, I just never cared for the Fantastic Four. I always thought they were kinda lame.
Hellbinder said:
jvd said:
This movie was bad . I just didn't care for it at all

You actually saw it? and you think it was "bad" ???

perhaps you have to have been a FF comic buff to appriciate it.
I am a ff fan . It was just a bad movie . IT wasn't horrible. But it was bad .

They just changed to much around . Dr Doom is not an enhnaced uman . He was not in the space with them . He is simply a scard dictator who has a suit of armor kind of like iron man .
Y'know, I kind of take it as a bad sign for the movie that there isn't a pirated copy of it out yet....that generally means the scene doesn't think the movie is so hot so no one is really anxious to rip it. :?
Hellbender said:
I think the critiques should be taken out and shot.

...if you really think shooting pieces of newsprint will help salvage this movie's dignity... please record this shooting! it sounds like a humorous movie idea ^_~
