The rest, like the one which makes non-automatic weapons do more damage, never seems to kick in as I never see the icon on screen ! Also , the one which let's u take more damage. I hope these are passive perks and work all the time.
The vast majority of perks are passive so if you take a the first rank of Rifleman ("
Keep your distance long and your kill-count high. Attacks with non-automatic rifles do 20% more damage") whenever you use a non-automatic rifle it'll just do more damage - you don't initiate a special attack for get more damage. Take the first rank in Explosives and all types of explosives (all mines and grenades/molotovs will do 25% extra damage).
Remember despite Fallout 4 feeling like a shooter it's an RPG so everything is about numbers and probabilities. It helps to pick a play style so you can minmax the hell out of the perks that'll help you the most. E.g. I'm playing a sneaky sniper so I'm obviously taking all the ranks in Rifleman (the Perception rank 2 perk) as soon as I can (the five Ranks of rifleman unlock at levels 1, 9, 18, 31 and 46) because that improves my rifle's base damage and mitigates the armour protection targets have (Rifleman ranks 2 and up) but I'm also taking Mister Sandman (the Agility rank 4 perk) because as well as letting me instantly kill sleeping targets it also boosts sneak attack damage to 30% at rank 2. So now at level 18 when I perform a sneak attack Rifleman boosts my sniper weapon damage of 82 by base damage by 60% (negating 20% of the targets armour protection) and Mister Sandman boosters the damage by 30%. I put a suppressor on my rifle back at lvl 13 so I can generally kill quietly and keep those sneak attack bonuses. Once you've in open combat you lose the sneak attack bonus.
In terms of passive gains the same goes for your S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats, improving each stat makes your life easier. If you improve Perception then targeting in VATS is better and lock picking and pickpocketing is easier. If you improve Intelligence you'll gain more exp for any given action relative to lower intelligence so you level faster and get perks faster.
Also, I am completely confused about the whole power armour thing. Mine is just gathering dust in sanctuary ! I found more parts for it from a raider in Lexington but they are lying in a workbench there....too heavy.
Remember your companion can carry stuff. Put the targeting reticle on then, then chose Command then Trade and you can see both inventories.
Do u guys stay in power armour all teh time? What exactly consumes a fusion core and what doesn't?
Everything you do will drain the core. Walking about will consume the core at a fairly slow rate but it'll drain faster the more strain you put on it. You can fast travel wearing it for free though!
I've not used the power armour outside of the Deathclaw fight. I've collected a bunch more T-45 armour pieces from a downed Vertibird and have about 10 cores, eight of which are 100% capacity. I'm keeping it in reserve for when I need it. That and Im playing a sneaky sniper so it doesn't suite my play style but I have a lot of in your face weaponry (minions, the Cryolator - only 200 rounds though!, flavours, the Fat Man mini-nukes) so I'm ready for some carnage.
I do like playing a sniper though and Dogmeat is a great companion for that class/build.
Oh and Codsworth is a bloody killing machine ! He is my best buddy, kills half of the enemies himself
I have so many companions now: Dogmeat, two robots, two ghouls and two humans. If you like robots you will probably love Curie, a french doctor robot. She's so sophisticated as she goes around murdering raider!

They've really gone to town with the bespoke Mr Handy personalities in Fallout 4. I've loved all of the Mr Handy robots I've encountered which is about 8 or 9. The English gangster robot is also very cool.