Fallout 3

Well, as far as I can tell the only one that seems worthwhile is the Broken Steel one, since it finishes the main story and gives you new enemies.
In a sense the 360 crowd got taken a bit thinking there were three and not knowing about the GOTY version.

How's that? they got to play the content as it came out over an extended period of time. By that token gamers should just wait a year+ on most games and get the "real deal" by getting the GOTY edition that comes with DLC content.
How's that? they got to play the content as it came out over an extended period of time. By that token gamers should just wait a year+ on most games and get the "real deal" by getting the GOTY edition that comes with DLC content.

In all fairness, most games don't get GOTY editions, nor do they get a ton of DLC content. Bethesda is particularly prolific. I wouldn't expect GOTY edition owners to get all DLC, since I bet Bethesda will continue to release DLC after the alien one.
How's that? they got to play the content as it came out over an extended period of time. By that token gamers should just wait a year+ on most games and get the "real deal" by getting the GOTY edition that comes with DLC content.

Most people would take the GOTY version for $50-$60 a year later over $110 ($60+$50), not to mention the DLC using HD space and DRM (this is true for all formats).

Bethesda should have said up front what their plans were, it helps people make better decisions and not buy the same thing twice. But honesty sometimes gets in the way of milking people for money

Hell in way everyone that bought a console version got taken, even I want to sell my regular version and buy the GOTY now but at least I didn't buy any DLC which I cannot re-sell.
I have Oblivion GOTY and FO3 with DLC.... as much as I am enjoying Oblivion (which I really was not interested in until I learned to appreciate FO3) I am more glad that I am now, have been and will continue (next month) to enjoy FO3 content before a GOTY release.

this is a hobby I enjoy. I expect to pay for enjoying it in a timely fashion and appreciate the content. $10/ pfft pfft. ;)

There is an entire thread devoted to why people should or shouldn't buy DLC so I'll stop there. :)
Most people would take the GOTY version for $50-$60 a year later over $110 ($60+$50), not to mention the DLC using HD space and DRM (this is true for all formats).

Bethesda should have said up front what their plans were, it helps people make better decisions and not buy the same thing twice. But honesty sometimes gets in the way of milking people for money

Hell in way everyone that bought a console version got taken, even I want to sell my regular version and buy the GOTY now but at least I didn't buy any DLC which I cannot re-sell.

Bethsada should have told people about a GOTY edition coming down the pipe with the DLC included when they released Fallout3? Seriously? I hope you are not incharge of running anyone's business :(

No one is forcing you to buy the DLC. You don't have to spend $50. For the company, it's a good chance to boost some sales on an exisiting product by making it even more appealing for new comers. I see nothing wrong with what they're doing.
I see nothing wrong with what they're doing.

I never said it wrong, It is just sucks for the consumer.

"Three 360 exclusive DLC packs"

Consumer runs out and buys the 360 version and $30 worth of DLC.

"Well, actually there are five and the PS3 can get them too. Oh ya, we will compile them onto one disc for the GOTY version."


I never understand the pro-corporate, anti-consumer POV when people are the consumers and not a share holders.
I never understand the pro-corporate, anti-consumer POV when people are the consumers and not a share holders.

you may be missing the point of the DLC purchaser's mind set. It is not "Pro-corporate/anti-consumer".

It's about perceived value. there is value in instant gratification and many, many people are willing to pay a premium for many, many things in this world where that value of time (or other perceived variable) is added to a product.
I never said it wrong, It is just sucks for the consumer.

"Three 360 exclusive DLC packs"

Consumer runs out and buys the 360 version and $30 worth of DLC.

"Well, actually there are five and the PS3 can get them too. Oh ya, we will compile them onto one disc for the GOTY version."


I never understand the pro-corporate, anti-consumer POV when people are the consumers and not a share holders.

One day people will learn that corporations also need money to run. If all consumers were bottom feeders and that's all corporations had to cater towards, most of the quality stuff would be gone and you'd be left with just cheap shit, as margins would be razon thin, leaving companies with no choice but to cut corners at all ends to turn a profit and stay in business.

There is a zone between what's a good deal for both sides and chances are most rational people will float in that zone vs the bottom feeders or corporate defenders on opposite extremes.
I never said it wrong, It is just sucks for the consumer.
There's so much that becomes cheaper later, I don't understand why this is an issue.

"Get an XB360 to play Gears of War!"
Consumer rushes out in 2006 and spends $400 to play the game.
"Oh ya, we will sell it on platinum a year later when the hardware's $100 cheaper too."
Consumer : "Doh, if only I'd waited!"

Think of all those suckers who bought Uncharted or RFoM for full price when if they'd waited, they could have got them on platinum! And what about those sad people who bough a PS1 and expensive games when if they'd only waited 10 years, they could have used their PS3 and bought those games cheap as download titles! :p Just saw on a website today for the store I bought my TV/monitor that had I waited a year, I could have saved 33%. Glad I didn't!

Many entertainment purchases have to weigh current enjoyment for a delay and potential better economy, while many other purchases offer the choice of having it now, or a better model later. Bundle deals are created to sell to the next tier who won't buy don't value the game at the launch price but can be coaxed to offer up some, less rewarding, monies for a better deal. It's for each individual to decide if the current asking price is worth it for them.
Shifty it was more about the deceit than the price. I don't care if content gets cheaper, but they lied about the number of DLC and the exclusivity. This isn't really about Fallout 3 though, it is just the latest and worse offender. Carry on.
Did they lie, or just change their plans?

Semantics. They said one thing for six months, then they pulled a 180. Call it what you like, IMO they had this planned since before release in Oct 2008. Like Robert said they were maximizing their profits (and satisfying their "exclusive" contract I'm sure).
I just ran into a huge glitch on the 360 version where the woman who buys the fingers from you with the Lawbringer perk actually runs out in the wasteland (she's faster than you). I kept on reloading and the same thing happened. You may definitely want to skip this.

On the plus side, I just reached level 20 so I guess it's time for Broken Steel.