I dont have much faith in Bethesda pulling this off. Oblivion and Morrowind RPG elements have completely sucked compared to what Fallout 2 offered 14 or so years ago. And going by the developer interviews, Fallout 2 will most likely still have the best RPG elements after Fallout 3 comes.
Bethesda is just not interested in what Fallout 1 and 2 is about, they are just interested in converting their essentially broken game oblivion into a post apocalyptic world, and sell a million copies on hype alone and be done with it.
(Yes i know Oblivion got high scores from all reviewers, but i dont know why, its basically morrowind with better graphics and some n00b features to make everything easier but it doesn't adress any of the flaws Morrowind had, probably oblivion got so high scores because no reviewer has the time to play the game enough to notice all the flaws. In Oblivion you still have no conversation, no way to interact with the gameworld besides just killing stuff and making stuff for quest. While in Fallout most of the time was spend talking to people, and you really could make a huge impact in the world by just talking. Not to mention i doubt they will be able to make it as gory as the originial was.))