Xbox One: B3D User’s FAQ

Or keep it connected it to internet and let it adjust the clock automagically.
If you own an xbox one, and you haven't done some other form of calibration, use the built in tool in the display settings and follow this advice I got from Rockster:

As you "next" through the calibration tool, you'll get to a screen called brightness with a couple eyeballs and a grayscale ramp down the right hand side of the screen, with a couple white ticks marking either end. That gradient should be smooth throughout between the ticks. That ramp has both a smooth gradient side on the right, and avg by region on the left. Pay attention to the blacks up top. The brightness should change by the same amount between each region. If you see sort of a sharp divide in the smooth gradient where it goes from grey to black very quickly, then your gamma is too low. You also don't want it too be too dark all the way down the screen, gamma too high. Light intensity should vary by equal amounts in each region. After you have that correct, the adjust your brightness control going to the notch which just causes the top eyeball to disappear. You might need to readjust after setting contrast and find what you like best, but the most important thing is getting gamma to ramp correctly.

Made a huge difference for me. You just need to find out if your tv allows you to adjust gamma.