I would think the polycount is a bit higher than your estimates. What impresses me is the full cube environment mapping on every single car (including the rims).
DeathKnight said:I would think the polycount is a bit higher than your estimates. What impresses me is the full cube environment mapping on every single car (including the rims).
It definitely looks impressive, but I have heard from a (supposedly) playtester, that reflections get updated at half the main framerate - that would mean at 15FPS.I would think the polycount is a bit higher than your estimates. What impresses me is the full cube environment mapping on every single car (including the rims).
Peppermonkey said:Usually "reflections" run at a lower framerate than the actual game. It's kinda weird, but that's how it works.
Up to 30000 tristripped polygons
Ug Lee said:Up to 30000 tristripped polygons
Is that just another term for vertices?
_phil_ said:Ug Lee said:Up to 30000 tristripped polygons
Is that just another term for vertices?
just a cheap PR 'tech' FX. It means that all the polygons (triangles) are
attached together to gain efficiency ... 8) i don't think a single one developper on earth doesn't use tristrips ...