Eye Of Judgement

I haven't played in a bit as I lost track of my cards while cleaning up the place, but now that I've found them again I want to pillage! --ahem--

Should we be tossing up our PSN's on here, so as to get a casual gaming crowd? I tend to enjoy playing with people I know and want to converse with more than just stacking random games on top of each other.

My nick's not so hard... "cthellis"
Carl B.'s id is xbdestroya. He mentioned it in his post above yours.

I should've done this a while ago probably, but I'll add whoever is in the EoJ loop to my friends list later today (xbdestroya). :)
Yes, definitely. I would love nothing more than to see who's built what decks. :)

I'll be on in a couple of hours.
Oh, I played you about a week or 2 ago then. :)

We didn't have chat on, wanted to ask you if you are from Beyond 3d :)

I don't remember if I won or lost though :)
Well either way we'll have a rematch! :p

I'm back near the PS3 again so I'll add you guys now.
Heh, lol, that'll teach me not to scout new cards. :D

Thanks for the game and congrats on the win. It was still my first deck (here come the excuses ;) ), as I haven't had a chance to tune it with the new card sets I got, and haven't had a chance on creating a new deck yet either. I did now, at least, a first draft of one, using a lot of new stuff, but with an inkling of general principles as to what makes a good deck.

I was a bit rusty too. But I still like this game. ;) Always open for more punishment (from anyone here). Just give me a heads up on when you want to play and I'll be there (or let you know if I'm not ;) ).
niwrA, was that against xbdestroya ?

What deck are you guys using ? I'm still using the starter deck (no booster) to play against the computer. It's a difficult and unforgiving opponent.
Yeah it was a good game. Very admirrably played! :) I left the room to turn my mic on, but I guess you'd gone off to play ranked or smething by the time I got my situation changed. Pity because I'm always up for a follow-up game! :)

@Patsu: I'm using my custom-created decks... (I alternate between two), and I imagine Arwin has some degree of deviation from the standard decks as well.

If anyone feels low on cards I'm happy to send some; I have an overage of common/uncommon cards (sometmes 20 of a card), and I'm happy to pay the ~$2-5 postage if it means more B3D folk are able to create better/varied decks. That's the EoJ community love. :cry:

Anyway, I'll be on and off tonight, but Arwin (or anyonelsethat's on), feel free to hit me up. And Patsu you'll be happy toknow that I unwrapped an started Uncharted yesterday as well; and indeed, great game!
I played with my personal tuning of the default cards I got with the game. It has a water weakness though that I need to fix, but otherwise it's still quite potent (I guess I got a decent set of cards with the game). I have yet to play a game with the new cards I bought (I bought a few packs, so I can also play some 2 player comfortably sometime at home), but before and after the game with Carl I started creating a new experimental deck. I may take it for a maiden voyage before I go to bed now ...

EDIT: by the time you got back my wife had come home and we had some socialising and chatting to do (we hadn't seen each other for a whole 24 hours ;) ). I sent you one more invite, if you catch it before I'm ready for bed then we'll have one game with my new deck.
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Lol, I just missed you but I presume you left because your mike still wasn't on?

Got another game going in the end, this time I got to try my new deck, but I made a mess of my deck because I rushed it too much and couldn't find half the cards in time. :D It has potential though, and I tuned and cleaned it up after our game, so better luck next time. It's not going to be the 'ultimate' deck by far, it's partly intended to help familiarise myself with a bunch of cards I've never played with before. ;)

Anyway, nice to get some games going with the B3D crowd. :)
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Well, good second game - keep tuning that deck though! :)

Sorry there was so much activity/distraction on my end... it was just bad timing on my part. For the next torney I'll make sure I'm clear to play and chat for a decent stretch.
Nah, it was fine. As long as you don't get so distracted that you make mistakes, it's no problem. ;) Sorry on my part for the rambling deck, causing me to play a silly game (like putting that flame lizard or whatever he is called the wrong way around, omg., or not having aligned my camera properly so that the top corner water field wasn't recognised properly *sigh* I feel like a noob. :D However, I'll probably be playing more over the next days so I'll get back in my groove)
Anyone tried a pair of reading glasses or some other lens in front of the PSEye to see how well it enables close focus?
So this game has been kicking my ass!! I felt I had read enough about the basics and strategy to get me by. WRONG. I played about 5 games the first 2 days and haven't played since. Although I have been doing a ton of reading the last couple of days, and I think im ready. I also didnt watch all the tutorials. Thats on my agenda to.

Things I liked so far:
-Spot on in regards to liking this if liked Magic. Lots of positive similarities.
-I like not being able to screw up any rules
-Interface was fun

Things I haven't liked so far:
-Was expecting more detail wise in regards to the graphics/animations
-Games progressed to slow. Was getting bored with the animations and generic fights.

Granted these are my initial thoughts after 5 games. Haven't had much time to play many games recently, but it for sure has my interest piqued enough that im not ready to give up yet.

On a side note, downloaded a few of the eye 'games' from the store, and thank goodness they were only 2 bones! Haven't tried any of the more expensive ones. Im scared.
Ha ha ! Did you play against the computer ? Mean huh ?

The other "big" Eye-compatible game I'm waiting for is SingStar.
I also got Creature Feature for my 3 year old.
So this game has been kicking my ass!! I felt I had read enough about the basics and strategy to get me by. WRONG. I played about 5 games the first 2 days and haven't played since. Although I have been doing a ton of reading the last couple of days, and I think im ready. I also didnt watch all the tutorials. Thats on my agenda to.

I just played and learnt while playing. I like that. However, now that I've played against Carl, wow, still so much to learn. ;) I learnt four new things that seem rather fundamental, but I didn't know them and hadn't bothered to look up. :D And of course several other details about cards that had been lost on me previously. One of these days I might just win a game. ;)

Sound quality while chatting blows me away also by the way. Completely faultless.

Things I haven't liked so far:
-Was expecting more detail wise in regards to the graphics/animations
-Games progressed to slow. Was getting bored with the animations and generic fights.

If you turn off the animations, the game gets pretty quick. This is default while playing online.

Carl, thanks again for playing. I've enjoyed your little Biolith demo, and I'm learning the value of certain cards. ;) I see some more deck-revising coming up ...

(Pat, thanks for reminding me to boot up Singstar again soon also, I need to check what crazy new videos are out there, and also what songs have been added.)

Secretly, this game has been my most played game so far, and it's one of those many games that just refuse to get old. I think this is one game that I'll certainly be still playing occasionally next year ... (well, that is, if I get the right kind of kid of course. ;) But I'm also going to work less hours, so it may all even out ... some)
Things I haven't liked so far:
-Was expecting more detail wise in regards to the graphics/animations
-Games progressed to slow. Was getting bored with the animations and generic fights.

Like Arwin said, these can be turned off (even against the computer); the game will progress much faster after doing so.
Sound quality while chatting blows me away also by the way. Completely faultless.

Definitely. Me in the US and Arwin in the Netherlands... it sounded like we were on a land-line to each other.

Carl, thanks again for playing. I've enjoyed your little Biolith demo, and I'm learning the value of certain cards. ;) I see some more deck-revising coming up ...

Hey it was an awesome time - I can't get enough! :)

Secretly, this game has been my most played game so far, and it's one of those many games that just refuse to get old.

For me also, with Resistance and Warhawk each racking up countless hours as well. But when you consider the number of games I've played against my girlfriend (who I got interested and who created a deck), another friend of mien (who bought the PS3 specifically for this game), the computer - of whom I've spent many an hour playing, and the online games... where I have played over a hundred ranked games... I'd say I'm probably well over a hundred hours played.

If one factors in 'offline' deck construction/creation, then that just racks up further.