Eye Of Judgement

Well, it turned out that even without revising my deck, it could pull off a few wins against Carl yesterday. :) Though shedding some rust on my part and not to mention a fair bit of luck also helped, giving me the right cards at the right time.

What a fun, addictive game! With Magic, I spent much more time collecting and only actually played a few games. But because you can play this online, it works so well, and it makes managing decks so easy, the complete reverse is now true. It's hard to explain how good this is, but hopefully as PS3 prices come down with a bit of luck it will establish itself as a default online platform for card-games that will draw in more of the still fairly substantial card gaming crowd.

In the meantime though, I haven't had to wait for an online game long, even when I had set up a room for Carl and I to play and I forgot to close it, it was filled pretty briskly.
Yeah... outside of Resistance (played every weekday evening !), EoJ is probably my most played game, and then followed by R&C. The problem with Eye of Judgment is once I sit down and play, it's rather hard to get up. I still lose quite frequently but I keep wanting to improve on my last game. :)
That's one of the reasons I haven't taken the plunge: Because I didn't jump in early-ish I'm a little concerned about the learning curve. I don't want to buy another game that just sits there unused...

Let us know how you get on. And more importantly any tips for newbies that haven't already been covered in this thread.

Good luck!
It's not so hard to get into as it seems. Best thing you can do actually is play a few friendly matches online with someone like me or Carl B with voice or keyboard chat on, because that way you'll pick it up in no-time. (Though you may well end up finding other people who are more than willing to do some tutoring)

Though yes, all the important stuff is there already, the tutorials aren't bad, and the manual, actually, is probably also a very fast way of getting to know the game.
I've never seen the tutorials, and read only a few lines of the manual. I just went straight to online and learnt it there. :D I think I started playing ranked games from my 2nd or so game ... just didn't care. But then I started close to day one so there were lots of noobs like me. ;)

Still I got some basic stuff slightly wrong in my head for a while, and checking the manual would have been helpful here and there to learn more precise information. In my recent matches against Carl I made some stupid mistakes among others because it turned out I didn't fully understand something.
I literally fell asleep while watching the tutorials :oops: so I will give it another go. I was lost in my first game with my son but I really got the game as a "look at this cool thing we can play together" more so than anything just for me. I will give the manual a look-see later today. I like the game so far but it was a very brief excursion and I am hoping it is not so complicated that I can play with my son or he can play by himself.

You're not alone. It took me 6 tries to complete the tutorial and I still forget the rules. I either fell asleep or gave up halfway. If you're like me, just play the game to learn. It can be humiliating though because the computer is pretty ruthless.
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I think online play is potentially easier than solo play. The computer is mean! That said, if you hone your skills against it, you can be sure of reaching a good level. Just don't care too much about losing!
Oh man Nav on the Eye - awesome! :)

Forget the tutorials... I at least have never done them, and I think it's just easier to learn by playing. I think starting off challenging the computer is a good way to go, it'll let you get a good sense of strategy and what needs doing to counter what. Can't argue with Arwin also that online play is a great way to get familiar.
Well, some people have gotten USB extension cables for the game faced with that same issue, so that may be a route you want to take. Anyway believe me we gain nothing from beating novices online; in fact it takes away from my ranked game opportunities! :p

That's just how much love for the game I have though. :cool:
If you PM to a department called "Carl Bender", then yes the cards will show up in your mail box while stock lasts. :devilish:
LOL, that's right! :p

And when Set 2 ships, since I'll no doubt be getting several boxes, I'll add those to the surplus supplies for those that desire. :)

You guys'll be happy to know that I did get around to playing and finishing Uncharted though - thoroughly enjoyable. Now I've got to get back to the decks though!
The Set 2 cards are out and there's an upgrade on PSN. £7 to enable Set 2, but then you also have to buy the cards? Does that seem a bit steep? Basically you buy the Set 2 upgrade but that gives you no extra functionality whatsoever. Furthermore if everyone moves onto Set 2 will buyers be forced to get the upgrade just to play others, even if they don't get Set 2 decks?
You can play Set 2 owners with the free (and mandatory) update. The cost to download the Set 2 license is only if you yourself wish to purchase and add those cards to your deck. But all material 'changes' in version 2.0 of the game are accessible and included for free, and there are no barriers for a Set 1-only owner to play against the pool of players at large.
I'll tell ya, if you play against a set 2 person without set 2 cards be prepared for some pain.

When is the U.S. release, I know it got pushed back but no firm date yet.

Anyone notice since the update you cannot do a status with the controller (L1) anymore? Does using the status card still work?
Using the status card still works; since I never used the controller for that to begin with, it didn't effect me much. Overall I'd say the gameplay revisions (speed and interface) are much improved. But I do know there are some folk that were used to certain button mappings that are miffed.

Set 2 cards are definitely awesome, but I enjoy the challenge of facing the decks, even if I'm like 1 for 6 right now in beating them. :) Early to mid April is the US release of Set 2 cards is the word on the street... I'm hoping earlier rather than later.

(We've got to try and line up another game Speng - kept missing each other on Friday!)
So I hadn't played in about 2 months. Had a friend over and he was psyched to check it out. Put it in, update is available. Go ahead and download and update. 1367 items and 85 minutes later he was already gone and never got to check it out.

Seriously, how could it take 85 minutes to update those items? I assume you guys constantly update and never run into this, but it has only been 2 months. Was rather disappointing especially given we didn't get to play.