Eye Of Judgement

What constant upgrading ? :)

1.0.1 was really minor and quick (within seconds). 1.0.2 is hefty. Does it contain Set 2 card data ?

The upgrade time depends on your network connection. I started upgrading after reading your post (1:20pm PST). Downloaded all 1374 files by 1:23pm. Completed patching/installing all files by 1:37pm. Took 17 minutes total.

Since the actual patching took about 14-15 minutes. It means your download took 70 minutes compared to my 3 minutes. Don't know how long others take.

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it. Sony should distribute all the patches in the Official Playstation Magazine. I think every issue is bundled with a Blu-ray demo disc anyway. That way, they will have tighter relationships with their customers/subscribers.
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I don't know what to say other then the PSN was getting hammered last night. I'm on Comcast. If i remember correctly, it downloads the update first, which went fast. Then it updates which is went excruciatingly slow.

I guess if I am the only one it happened to then, its no sweat.

I just figured there were multiple updates and not one major one! Oh well! :)

He is going to come back over on Sunday to get some game time in!
I bought EOJ today. Suggested to a friend we'd play a bit online. Took two hours to patch - game never happened. 1374 files each one taking an age. Transfer was clearly abominable, and would amount to a couple of gigs at 2mb download.

That's what I love about consoles - none of this annoying PC installing and patching rubbish...
Wait a minute, the patching should be the same for all our PS3s right ? So the long waiting time should be "only" network time ? Or are you saying the patching takes longer than 15 minutes for you ? If so, may be it performed further integrity check over the net for each of the 1374 files ? (Ouch)

This is just EoJ. If patching is the norm for online content moving forward, perhaps Sony can allow the retailers to distribute secured patches for their customers too. That should also encourage people to visit their stores. Is that too big a security risk ?
Im saying once the download was done, and it began updating at file #1, it took 85 minutes for it to get to #1374. Granted I was prepping/cooking/eating dinner. I took a guess at the minutes. It took a long time. Glad it wasn't just me and I thought I was going insane.

I'd say I would delete my game data and go through it again, but I for sure am not in the mood to do that right now. Maybe sometime over the weekend. I don't think it has anything to do with network connection/speed.
That's insane. Glad I don't have to wait that long. In fact, because of your post, I patched all my outdated games this afternoon at one go.

May be deepbrown caught me updating in Warhawk. He dropped me an XMB message saying, "You know you want to play WH". :LOL:

I'm supposed to be working, deepbrown. It's 4:03pm now.
You guys got me curious, so, I decided to update. I was on version 1.0, so, I must have missed the 1st update as well. I'm at the 45 minute mark right now, and only 1/2 way through (according to the progress bar).
I was on 1.0 this afternoon too. Since you only mentioned one progress bar, I assume you're still at the download stage. The patching will take additional time and has two parallel progress bars.

Where are you guys at ? I'm in an office building in Cupertino, California. Home ISPs must be trottling the bandwidth like mad. :(
I was on 1.0 this afternoon too. Since you only mentioned one progress bar, I assume you're still at the download stage. The patching will take additional time and has two parallel progress bars.

Where are you guys at ? I'm in an office building in Cupertino, California. Home ISPs must be trottling the bandwidth like mad. :(

Sorry, I should have clarified. The 1st progress bar went by quite quickly. Only a few minutes. I'm on the 2nd screen, w/ 2 progress bars.

I'm in Michigan, at home. Typically, I can get some pretty good speeds. About 2.5 - 3.5 up (even get w/ Warhawk's bandwidth test, and not just PC test), and 4 - 9 down. This is with Comcast, by the way.
Okay. So the download part was fast, but the actual patching look a long time for you. I should replay EoJ soon to see why mine installed in 17 minutes. May be some EoJ Set 2 creatures AWOL'ed. :)

I have never ventured online with EoJ. Don't see how that could affect the patch time though.
Patch install should take roughly 50 to 90 minutes. I don't remember how long but it took a LOONG time.
It just boggles my mind at the length of the install. I mean, seriously. Why could it take that long. Why are we not seeing normal install times with games like this and DMC4?
My guess is it's security and network related (even during patching). Can't think of a good explanation for the discrepancy. My 60Gb was on a fast corporate network when applying the patch. That's the only known difference so far. Also, I have not played EoJ online yet (Is there a server component for EoJ ?).
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The patching is performed over the internet somehow. I was working on fixing my sister's PC at the time which required moving the router upstairs and I didn't have proper filtering with the downstairs phone. The phone went and that cut out the router. The patching process stopped. When I restarted the router the patching carried on. So every single one of those 1374 files was being referenced online, either downloaded or validated. It was a truly ridiculous patching process! My guess, only thinking about it now, they are checking each card for hacks. Somehow. Dunno how that would help you though if you managed to hack the patch file. Which in theory you can't, as it's over PSN to their own proprietary drive format. And if you did hack it and change some values, whoever you played would still have the original content. Unless they hacked theirs too. If that was possible, you could have people creating their own card sets, but then they'd just be replacing the existing cards. If it is security, it's overkill!
Yes, my guess is there is a security/license server online to manage keys and distribute tokens. If we divide (85 - 17) = 68 minutes by 1374 files, we get about 3.0 seconds on the average. Basically, AntShaw spent an extra 3 seconds per file during installation compared to me (assuming the time does not depend on file size, which is likely false).
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My mate has just told me he's been updating for an hour and a half and it's managed 35%. I guess more people are patching and the servers are getting thrashed. Either that or the system is getting cludged up with use somehow so it's getting slower over time.
THE EYE OF JUDGMENT: "Children of Juno" Tournaments Begin Next Week!

Master Bender, the world needs to see your skills:

We reached out to the EOJ community and asked what you wanted the first tournament to be like and got a great response. No Biolith was definitely a common theme as well as limiting Ultra Rares and Mana cost. After considering all that great input, the “CHILDREN OF JUNO” tournament is ready to go live next week on July 17th (6:00 PST) all the way until July 24th! (Check out the official rules after the jump.) You all have 7 days to prove who is the best in North America. The top two players will earn special online ranking titles as proof of their summoning mastery.
Oh man Patsu, thanks for the heads up...

No Ultra-Rares, and no Bioliths. I like how it undermines some of the card-driven advantages. I'll have to design a new deck for this worthy challenge!
Ah ha... I just want to make sure once they gave you a special title, I won't get matched to you during some innocent late night run. :p