E3: XNA Car Crash Demo 2

Qroach said:
Any so called "cockyness" is something pulled out of thin air by people that simply WANT to see it. If you and other want to interpret the "PSwho" license plate as that, then go ahead. Perhaps it's something "some" people outside of development don't see as a tougne in cheek joke. The only reason for that IMO is brand loyaltee.

Oh don't give me that.I could just as well reverse that line about one being naive."We will beat Sony." Ok,I can see why that came out.Afterall,Sony did stomp them this round,but what in the heck did this have to do with the way Japanease developed games which does lead the XNA,BTW?That would be what I call "cockyness" rather you'd like to believe that or not.Now,they've taken it to even a higher level (which they called business) after already displaying this arrogant approach before.This is why they have such a history in their name now.It is nothing more other than to establish a fanbase,and the only way they can do this IS through being cocky.But,everyone knows that being too cocky can hurt a person,especially a firm.
So...let's see.

MS is "cocky" and Sony is "smug." I mean, Sony doesn't even as much acknowledge MS's existence!!!

How disrespectful is that! Especially from a Japanese firm!!

Ohhh...Sony....I hope this doesn't come back to haunt you...

Joe DeFuria said:
So...let's see.

MS is "cocky" and Sony is "smug." I mean, Sony doesn't even as much acknowledge MS's existence!!!

How disrespectful is that! Especially from a Japanese firm!!

Ohhh...Sony....I hope this doesn't come back to haunt you...


No one mentioned anything about these firms being perfect.I believe you were the one heading in that direction.We are discussing cockyness right now.Just because Sony,or any other business, refuses to notice Microsoft's name does not mean they are cocky.I know quite a few companies that dislike MS's thinking,and maybe they have a right to,but they don't go around smudging this in the faces of the people they are trying to please every chance they get neither. :LOL:
No, we weren't talking about cockyness. YOU were talking about things that will come back to haunt MS. As many have alreayd written, they don't share your opinion. MS putting PSwho on teh license plate was obviously meant to show that they are going head to head with Sony. It's not meant as cockyness, but it's a tounge in cheek joke you can't seem to understand.

spidermate, would you just stop carrying on. It's obvious you don't really like MS much anyway, so why even bother commenting on this matter...
Spidermate said:
No one mentioned anything about these firms being perfect.I believe you were the one heading in that direction.

How so?

Because I don't feel personally offended when someone puts "PSWHO" on a licence plate of a car in a tech demo?

We are discussing cockyness right now.

You might be...I'm discussing "get-a-grip-iness" ;)
Joe DeFuria said:
Spidermate said:
No one mentioned anything about these firms being perfect.I believe you were the one heading in that direction.

How so?

Because I don't feel personally offended when someone puts "PSWHO" on a licence plate of a car in a tech demo?

We are discussing cockyness right now.

You might be...I'm discussing "get-a-grip-iness" ;)

Who said I was disappoint?I don't remeber saying I was diappointed.If I can remember correctly,I believe it was I that stated that I found it humorous but childish,never the less.I believe it was YOU who assumed I was disappointed because I didn't agree with the approach they took in advertising their product.For that,I believe you should be the one getting the "grip-iness" around here. :?
Qroach said:
No, we weren't talking about cockyness. YOU were talking about things that will come back to haunt MS. As many have alreayd written, they don't share your opinion. MS putting PSwho on teh license plate was obviously meant to show that they are going head to head with Sony. It's not meant as cockyness, but it's a tounge in cheek joke you can't seem to understand.

spidermate, would you just stop carrying on. It's obvious you don't really like MS much anyway, so why even bother commenting on this matter...

....WHICH leads to being "cocky." Oh,and I just had to laugh at the rest of what you wrote.I don't know if you were trying to be funny or not,but if you really thought that was the case,I have nothing more to discuss with you then.

Concerning your last statement,it must be just as obvious for the same to be said about yourself seeing how you are trying to justify something totally different from what I see,now does it? ;)
Publicity stunts and the like can reflect a corporate attitude or climate, but these situations here are completely light-hearted and in the good spirit of competition. That much is surely evident.
Qroach said:
No, we weren't talking about cockyness. YOU were talking about things that will come back to haunt MS. As many have alreayd written, they don't share your opinion. MS putting PSwho on teh license plate was obviously meant to show that they are going head to head with Sony. It's not meant as cockyness, but it's a tounge in cheek joke you can't seem to understand.

As I was getting at before, Microsoft's approach is horrid. They carry on way to far and don't produce results to back up their idle talk. Is it tongue-in-cheek, most certainly; doesn't it reflect well upon them? Hell no.

Then again, this comes from the people behind "Project Midway" and who shoot PS2's with anti-armor rounds and thinking it's in some way cool. Or even the recent E3 spin on The Apprentice. I mean, come on now how much more bland and cliche a topic could one use in an E3 presentation? Is it cute - well, yeah, in that dorky, stereotypical gamers mentality which makes you smile only because you can't believe these people are for real. It reminds me of that douche during the Half-Life2 video talking about his 486. Was it cute at first... yeah, in a gamer kind of way. Did he sound like a dork after he opened his mouth again and again - Oh yeah.

Actually, it's reminescent of the way the booth girls kind of just shrug off the onslaught of "gamers" staring, groping or left pondering why their skin is soo white in comparason. And that's exactly the differential mentality that seperates the PR of a company like Microsoft and a company like Sony; and a niche and the mainstream. I mean, these antics of MS's aren't helping and, in all honesty, aren't funny. Hey, as far as I'm concerned - I hope they keep alienating themselves.
There's nothing here to be taken personally. This is a videogame market, after all.

How would you respond to a list that establishes a similar pattern within Sony PR?

"Hey, as far as I'm concerned - I hope they keep alienating themselves."

Dismissively, apparently, if the brand-centric personal investment implied by your above statement is genuine.
Well, this was seen outside the hotel at Cannes X01 European presentation


Hint: See the familiar logo on lower right corner ;)
lol... bloddy brand loyaists... oooh it's going to come back an haunt Sony. Sony's approch is horrid. wah wah.... :rolleyes:
Haha! I got to agree with london-boy - that is class. Certainly a lot more mature than actually hiring actors to play Kaz, Ken & Co. and make them and their online service look like idiots. That has nothing to do with "brand loyalty" - I'd say the very same if Sony's marketing had lowered themselves to that level.
It's just.... CLASS.... It must be said that Sony's marketing team is just so crazy that they come up with the weirdest and funniest ideas all the time. I'd LOVE to work for them, it must be the funnest job around...

And the above ad is just a classic.

Certainly a lot more mature than actually hiring actors to play Kaz, Ken & Co

Is that more mature (or does it have more class) than putting PSwho on a license plate in a tech demo? which was the real point of this discussion by the way. Like I said before, these companies take little pokes at each other all the time, I'm sure we can find more instances where sony pokes at MS and vice versa.

Certainly a lot more mature than actually hiring actors to play Kaz, Ken & Co. and make them and their online service look like idiots. That has nothing to do with "brand loyalty" - I'd say the very same if Sony's marketing had lowered themselves to that level.

Peter Main encouraged sony to make their own video in response as the entire thing was meant in good fun. I really don't see how you can call this marketing as it's not being used in a TV commercial directed at the general public, it's meant as an E3 joke, which is why they poke fun at themselves in the same video! This has nothing to do with real marketing.

Btw, sony's online effort was basically horrible, both from a development and execution standpoint IMO. Having a nonstandard interface was a complete mistake, and it's why PS2 has lacked in a huge amount of online support from developers. Not only that, the submission and approval process for online games was beyond nuts. You had to send somehting like 18 submission disks for a online title. I can't see you understanding how BS that is, but god it was annoying.