E3: XNA Car Crash Demo 2

Wanna bet your life saving on that?

I'll bet this demo wasn't done by MS! The only demo directly from MS so far was the Film Noir demo, the rest are from some developers in Toronto (hence the Ontario number plates on the car). I'll wager the developer put that in and MS probably just left it in once they saw it.
The way these things usually happen is that some artist on a team puts it in and enough people think it's cool that it stays.

To be fair though MS has to be aggressive and take pot shots at Sony, they're still trying to establish an image and a position in the market place. Sony on the otherhand gets has to downplay MS's position in the market, so they can't play the same games.

I think trying to assign human traits to large corporation PR departments is really just a waste of effort. Either you find it amusing or you don't, it's not like it hurts anyone.
Speaking of strange things on demos: Has anyone else noticed the BSOD on one of the screens in the factory in the HALO2 demo? :D
Qroach said:
No coporation that's goal is to make more and more money, has any class.

Why not? Are you not out to make money? Do you have class?

Corporations are businesses. Their primary goal is to make money in exchange for goods or services. They're not inherently evil.

Just like people, some corporations present themselves as "classier" than others.
Why not? Are you not out to make money? Do you have class?

I was talking corporations, not individuals.

Corporations are businesses. Their primary goal is to make money in exchange for goods or services. They're not inherently evil.

Imo, that's fanboi talk. If coporations were actually human, they would all be clinically insane.

Just like people, some corporations present themselves as "classier" than others.

The only corporations that present themselves with any class are charity corporations and non for profits, because they typically aren't out to screw others over, stomp on their competiton, and truly want to help actualy people.
DaveBaumann said:
Wanna bet your life saving on that?

I'll bet this demo wasn't done by MS! The only demo directly from MS so far was the Film Noir demo, the rest are from some developers in Toronto (hence the Ontario number plates on the car). I'll wager the developer put that in and MS probably just left it in once they saw it.

Rather they coincided with it or took it into their own liberty to place it there themselves,point is,it was there,and they knew it.This can easily come back to haunt them if this arrogant strategy of theirs fail.Have you ever heard the message silence is golden or the most humble being the most dangerous?If you think carefully about that,that is my point.
Somehow I doubt a textured plate saying "PSWHO" will haunt them. It appears to haunt some here though :?
DaveBaumann said:
Somehow I doubt a textured plate saying "PSWHO" will haunt them. It appears to haunt some here though :?

LOL! Now that's funny.

Anyway,this pertains to more than just the plate,but because they've manage to take it this far,it could come back to haunt them.Let me clarify that a little:first it was a hint,but now it is a direct threat,and it's not just any threat;it's an arrogant threat.You follow me now?
Spidermate said:
Let me clarify that a little:first it was a hint,but now it is a direct threat,and it's not just any threat;it's an arrogant threat.You follow me now?

Not really. I think you are getting worked up over something they probably consider a bit of fun. I've met some of the MS's leading lights of DX and the XBox and the ones I know are genuinely interesting, likely and fun people - while there may be a marketting strategy at play I also think they probably view this as a bit of a larf as well.
ERP said:
OK so I'm just puzzled as to exactly how it could be construed as a threat?

Oh c'mon... Don't tell me you're THAT blind.Let me break it down to you simple:"We will beat you and you will fail because we have something you don't have (XNA)"---------> PSWHO. It's not that hard....really.
DaveBaumann said:
Spidermate said:
Let me clarify that a little:first it was a hint,but now it is a direct threat,and it's not just any threat;it's an arrogant threat.You follow me now?

Not really. I think you are getting worked up over something they probably consider a bit of fun. I've met some of the MS's leading lights of DX and the XBox and the ones I know are genuinely interesting, likely and fun people - while there may be a marketting strategy at play I also think they probably view this as a bit of a larf as well.

ugh...OK. *cough*mendacious*cough*
Spidermate said:
ERP said:
OK so I'm just puzzled as to exactly how it could be construed as a threat?

Oh c'mon... Don't tell me you're THAT blind.Let me break it down to you simple:"We will beat you and you will fail because we have something you don't have (XNA)"---------> PSWHO. It's not that hard....really.

Well I dunno but if I was mounting an attempt to topple Sony, I certainly wouldn't go into it expecting to fail, or downplaying my chances. The battle is as much (probably more at this point) about convincing developers you can succeed as it is about actually succeeding.

I think your doing way too much reading between the lines, I have to agree with dave it was most likly done in fun.

Besides if my info is accurate by the time Sony actually announce any concrete specs and start there own marketing campaign, no one will even remember the XNA car crash demo.
ERP said:
Spidermate said:
ERP said:
OK so I'm just puzzled as to exactly how it could be construed as a threat?

Oh c'mon... Don't tell me you're THAT blind.Let me break it down to you simple:"We will beat you and you will fail because we have something you don't have (XNA)"---------> PSWHO. It's not that hard....really.

Well I dunno but if I was mounting an attempt to topple Sony, I certainly wouldn't go into it expecting to fail, or downplaying my chances. The battle is as much (probably more at this point) about convincing developers you can succeed as it is about actually succeeding.

I think your doing way too much reading between the lines, I have to agree with dave it was most likly done in fun.

Besides if my info is accurate by the time Sony actually announce any concrete specs and start there own marketing campaign, no one will even remember the XNA car crash demo.

Going into a war being confident is a little different than one going into to it big-headed.And it's funny that you mentioned the crash cause not all of their arrogance revolves around this,like I said before.It was where they got a little too cocky with their product.It may be so that people won't remember the car crash,but I can assure you that they'll remember the cockyness and hype of the company if it fails.That is why I say this can come back to haunt them.
Any so called "cockyness" is something pulled out of thin air by people that simply WANT to see it. If you and other want to interpret the "PSwho" license plate as that, then go ahead. Perhaps it's something "some" people outside of development don't see as a tougne in cheek joke. The only reason for that IMO is brand loyaltee.
I gotta agree with ERP and crew on this one... Folks are reading WAAYY too much into this... Stuff like this goes on all the time it's pretty much just cheap jokes and sophmoric humor that slips in... I can't tell you how many things we used get a Chocobo to crap on or mascots an FF creature would swallow (e.g. Pikmen) just as a silly little joke in a demo...