E3: XNA Car Crash Demo 2

at the Microsoft conference, they had a new version of the XNA Car Crash demo first seen at GDC.


download or streaming


Update #8

Allard is now talking about XNA and what it can do; basically what XNA allows developers to do. They are showing the car crash demo on XNA right now (which may have been shown at GDC already).

watch the vid. it's awesome. (ATI R420 again probably)

you'll love, or hate what you see on the licence plate at the end 8)
Pretty nice video, but I really hope Xbox 2 will have graphics way better than this. If not, I think that 'pswho' is going to haunt them back :)
well yeah I would imagine Xbox 2 will have much better graphics. afterall Xbox 2 silicon isnt finished yet. probably wont be for a few months (if 05 launch) or a year or so (if 06 launch).

car crash demos = R420 + PC CPU (Intel or AMD)

Xbox 2 = R6xx + 3x PowerPC CPUs 8)
The first one Crash demo looked better, if you ask me.
In the first one the deformations were more apparents.

Btw the whole video makes me think of a "Halo racer"... maybe the green car, and the "look" of the tunnel gave me that impression.

About the PS who, it could be related to "PSeudo Interactive".
marconelly! said:
I think that 'pswho' is going to haunt them back :)

MicroWhat? (Written on the shirt of a Sony PS3 tech demo character that got killed by a huge monster)

How pathetic... Not even fanbois on internet forums use PSwho anymore... If that's what they think it takes to take out the competition, they better buckle up cause they're gonna lose another 1bn on a failed project.
They better stop being so arrogant and start doing things properly, or the humoristic novelty will get old very quick in the mind of the public. And it will be even the more pathetic to see them being crushed under Sony's and/or Nintendo's big feet, with all the layers of arrogance still wrapped around them.
oh relax. companies take subtle shots at each other all the time. You're taking the fan-ism in this way too seriously.
Qroach said:
oh relax. companies take subtle shots at each other all the time. You're taking the fan-ism in this way too seriously.

Not nearly like this,and it's funny because it will make them look even worst if this whole strategy flops.
Qroach said:
Like I said, don't take it so seriously.

Why not? I mean i'm not seeing Nvidia taking shots at ATI (they go from the backdoor cough*TWIMTBP*cough), i'm not seeing Mercedes advertising their car crashing on a BMW, leaving the BMW in pieces but coming out intact...

See what i mean? They tried to be funny, but they're just not in the position to have a big head. And it's just not funny as a whole...
Joe DeFuria said:
My god london....get a grip.

I'm not saying he's right, but he does have a point if you compare the style and... perhaps... persona of Microsoft and that of Sony. It holds true of everything from the professionalism they use in talking about eachother to their style of E3 presentation and beyond; Sony has class, Microsoft just doesn't and reminds me of the 'stereotypical' gaming maket in general (something I don't see as good) - just interesting to see.
McFly said:
MicroWhat? (Written on the shirt of a Sony PS3 tech demo character that got killed by a huge monster)


I think a better insult would be "Microspoof", (not that I mean to encourage that sort of thing ;)).
Vince said:
Joe DeFuria said:
My god london....get a grip.

I'm not saying he's right, but he does have a point if you compare the style and... perhaps... persona of Microsoft and that of Sony. It holds true of everything from the professionalism they use in talking about eachother to their style of E3 presentation and beyond; Sony has class, Microsoft just doesn't and reminds me of the 'stereotypical' gaming maket in general (something I don't see as good) - just interesting to see.

Thanks. I was going to say the same thing (about class), but i thought it would be too much for some people to handle.
Anyone that uses the word "class" when talking about a coporation like the 3 console manufactures is speaking pure fanboi jibberish imo. No coporation that's goal is to make more and more money, has any class.
There is such a thing as "classy presentation" or "classy attitude" however. Whether anyone wants to use them to apply to ANYTHING in this industry is up to them. ;)

You can see those kinds of compaisons made all over tech, though. Consider Apple as a computer manufacturer compared to Dell or HP or Gateway... In hardware design and even in corporate attitude, many people will attribute "class" to it in comparison to others.

I'd certainly say Microsoft strives to have an image with much more "attitude" in it regarding the Xbox, which can make others look "classy" by comparison, but whether someone actually thinks to use it as a description by itself...? :p Nah, not something I'd think of doing. Perhaps along the lines of product and packaging design, but it's not like I'll think of a whole corporation that way.

Unless the corporation only made, like, leatherbound copies of classic literatiure or something. ;)
london-boy said:
How pathetic... Not even fanbois on internet forums use PSwho anymore...

These demo's aren't done by MS so its probably not their insistence that they are there.
DaveBaumann said:
london-boy said:
How pathetic... Not even fanbois on internet forums use PSwho anymore...

These demo's aren't done by MS so its probably not their insistence that they are there.

Wanna bet your life saving on that?Before we go any further,check out the link and then come back and tell me if they weren't involved:XNA & Xbox 2

Point is,it is a childish approach to obtain a fanbase.But,if all of this arrogance of their fail,they're going to look pretty stupid when that time comes.Now,instead of Sony taking pot shots at Microsoft from having a more powerful system,billions of dollars,or XNA in particular,they only set back and use a simple message to get their point across -- like,"Competitive movemet will not be a factor on when we release our next-generation console." It will be ready when it is ready. Shot but meaningful.The difference between these two companies approaches is Microsoft is directly attacking Sony with a threat,and Sony's message is more of a caution statement.Don't get me wrong;I find MS's approach pretty humorous but childish,never the less that can easily turn on them.