DiGuru said:
In my interpretation of it, that would have two effects: it would increase the volume occupied by the particle (and thus the probability of it interacting with other particles), and increase the probability of the particle to jump to a more energetic shell.
I think you're missing the underlying problem here. Consider Newtonian gravitation (ommitting the constants):
F = -m1*m2/r^2
We we consider that mass is energy, we can write:
F = -E1*E2/r^2
Now, I'm going to look at a gravitational field by just one of these objects:
a_g = -E2/r^2 (with the appropriate vector direction ommitted for all of these equations)
Now we must recognize that this is a quantum-mechanical object. It doesn't have a well-defined energy in our chosen scenario: its energy is in a superposition of two states. We can write:
|particle2> = 1/sqrt(2)|1> - 1/sqrt(2)|2>
In the language of quantum mechanics, this says that particle 2 is in a superposition of the first and second excited energy states. If we made a measurement of energy, the particle would be forced into one state or the other, with 50% probability (due to the factors in front that I chose).
So, the question is: for this quantum mechanical particle, what is the gravitational force on particle 1? There are a few ways you can attempt to resolve this problem. The first is just stating that the interaction between these two particles consitutes a measurement of energy, so the particle picks one state. But what if there was no particle one? Space itself is reacting to particle 2's gravitational field, so that alone could consitute a measurement of energy. But this then becomes a statement that no particle could ever be in a superposition of energy states, because every particle is always interacting with the gravitational field. This is clearly nonsense.
The second method one might use could be to state that the gravitational field is set by the expectation value of the energy. In this case, E2 = <E> = (1/2) <1|E|1> + (1/2) <2|E|2> (the expectation value of energy would be 1/2 the energy of the first excited state plus 1/2 the energy of the second excited state, again just due to the particular numbers chosen). This has been investigated, and it turns out that you get a problem that you end up with a self-interaction effect that leads to runaway acceleration, so this idea is pretty much ruled out as well.
A third method would be to attempt to quantize space, to somehow allow spacetime to be in a superposition of the two chosen states. The first problem that this has is that most obvious ways of quantizing space result in a breaking of Lorentz invariance (i.e. special relativity, which has been tested extensively, no longer holds...this is
probably going to be an issue with your idea). The second problem is that if one attempts to create a particle description of gravity (the graviton), and looks at what properties it must have in quantum mechanics based upon its behavior on large scales, one finds that it is impossible to do any calculations: the theory is divergent.
To date, the only successful theory of quantum gravity of which I am aware is string theory. It does have the nice feature that gravity is not added to string theory: it is produced automatically. But string theory does have other very significant problems.
Well, if you look at the curvature of the "surface" as occupied by the underlying volumes of the shells of the particles (in relation to the elevation of the shell of the particle you use to do the measurement), it might work out. In that case, G uses the constant that determines that curvature.
Er, curvature is not a constant in general. It's actually a fourth-rank tensor (i.e. a tensor with four indices. It can be visualized as a stack of four 4x4 cubes of numbers at every point in space). Note that there aren't 4^4 degrees of freedom due to the symmetry of the tensor as well as gauge and coordinate freedom, but there's a whole lot more than one.