Skrying said:1 + 1 has to equal 2. If it does not then having definitions for things would be entirely stupid, mean our lives are pointless, and mean everything we have done is completely pointless. That's utterly bullshit if you think that. In order for 1 + 1 not to equal 2 you'd have to change the definition, which would be completely retarded, and brings up a favorite thing of mine: It always seems like the greatest "thinkers" are amazingly stupid and happen upon things by great chance, and even if they can solve the riddles of our existence couldnt figure out how to open the flaps on a damn cardboard box because they'd be spending to much time anazlying if it means the same to open the box here than over there, just plain RETARDED!
Heh, you'd be surprised how much "stupid" contemporary theories can seem. If I asked you what would happen if you step out of your house and cross the street you'd probably say "reach the other side of the road", however quantum theory says there is probability, however infinitesimal, that you do not reach the other side of road but find yourself back in your own porch and there's a percentage you'll end up in pluto and another percentage that says you'll change gender when you get to the other side.
It wasn't that long ago that human beings realised that the angles formed by the three sides of a triangle do not in fact have to total 180 degrees. It's not inconceivable that we may find ourselves in the distant future in a place where 1 + 1 does not equal 2. Definitions, conventions, theories have been challenged since the human brain acquired reasoning capabilities; believing we have solved all the universe's problems and what we know now is a universal truth does strike me as mildly arrogant at best.
In fact, I can tell you right now how 1 + 1 != 2. Change to binary and literally 1 + 1 = 10.