Is Cjall really so naive as to assume corporations like EA and Activision have their customers best interests in mind? As reality seems to indicate that their focus is squarely their bottom line and share prices - and fat bonuses for their executives.
They'll only have their customers best interests in mind as long as they don't conflict with the other two overriding concerns.
Well the real issue here is that the consumer just doesn't seem to give a shit, look at how many that bought Simcity 5, and it was well known that it was a "always on" game. If the customer doesn't give a shit about how they are treated, then i see no reason why EA/Blizzard-Activision/Rockstar/Microsoft/Sony should give a shit.
There was a EA employer post about the values at EA and how Simcity was the exact opposite:
Most important of the values you are ignoring is Think Consumers First. What part of the Sim City DRM scheme, which has rendered the game unplayable for hundreds of thousands of fans across the globe, demonstrates that you are thinking about consumers before you are thinking about yourselves?
Fast Forward to PS4, and lets hack PSN again, lets take the whole network offline for a month. And then, lets play a game.. ohh right that wont work.