Dreamcast, what a missed opportunity for SEGA.Let's see some things that SEGA could have done differently:
1)Launch date Q4 98
NEW Launch date Q3 99
2)CPU Hitachi SH4 0.25 nm 200Mhz 360Mips 1.4Gflops 10.5 million polygons per second 640x240 24bit 30fps MPEG1 decompression.
SEGA made to Hitachi specific requirements for SH4 before SH4 design complete so for Hitachi it would be possible to change the design for SH4 in order to be 50% faster clock for clock in relation with the original if SEGA made such requirement.If it wasn't possible there always be the Power PC camp although more expensive.
NEW CPU Hitachi SH4 0.25nm 267Mhz 720Mips 2.8Gflops 21 million polygons per second 640x480 24bit 30fps MPEG1 decompression.
3)GPU Videologic CLX1 PVR2 0.25 nm 100Mhz 6-7.5 million polygons per second (1 pixel unit) actual in game polygon performans 4.5 million polygon per second (Melbourne house programmer claimed that in Le mans 24h achieved 5 million polygons per sec only 2 years after launch)
NEW GPU Videologic CLX2 PVR3 0.25 nm 133Mhz 16-20 million polygons per second (2 pixel unit) actual in game polygon performans 12 million polygon per second
4)Memory 16Mb 100Mhz CPU ram 8Mb 100Mhz Video ram 2mb audio ram
NEW Memory 24Mb 133Mhz CPU ram 12Mb 133Mhz Video ram 2mb audio ram
5)Storage device CD-ROM 12X custom format 1Gb
NEW Storage device DVD-ROM 2X (16X CD-ROM) 4,5Gb
6)V33 or V56 conventional modem (Built in)
NEW broadband modem 512kbps (Optional Q3 01)
Killer specifications on par with Gamecube performance 2 years earlier with lower cost of goods than all the competition.Since the launch would take place a year after the original took place all the changes have marginall increase in cost except DVD-ROM although 2X NOT 4X as SONY had in PS2.
What do you think would be the situation today with a senario such as this?
1)Launch date Q4 98
NEW Launch date Q3 99
2)CPU Hitachi SH4 0.25 nm 200Mhz 360Mips 1.4Gflops 10.5 million polygons per second 640x240 24bit 30fps MPEG1 decompression.
SEGA made to Hitachi specific requirements for SH4 before SH4 design complete so for Hitachi it would be possible to change the design for SH4 in order to be 50% faster clock for clock in relation with the original if SEGA made such requirement.If it wasn't possible there always be the Power PC camp although more expensive.
NEW CPU Hitachi SH4 0.25nm 267Mhz 720Mips 2.8Gflops 21 million polygons per second 640x480 24bit 30fps MPEG1 decompression.
3)GPU Videologic CLX1 PVR2 0.25 nm 100Mhz 6-7.5 million polygons per second (1 pixel unit) actual in game polygon performans 4.5 million polygon per second (Melbourne house programmer claimed that in Le mans 24h achieved 5 million polygons per sec only 2 years after launch)
NEW GPU Videologic CLX2 PVR3 0.25 nm 133Mhz 16-20 million polygons per second (2 pixel unit) actual in game polygon performans 12 million polygon per second
4)Memory 16Mb 100Mhz CPU ram 8Mb 100Mhz Video ram 2mb audio ram
NEW Memory 24Mb 133Mhz CPU ram 12Mb 133Mhz Video ram 2mb audio ram
5)Storage device CD-ROM 12X custom format 1Gb
NEW Storage device DVD-ROM 2X (16X CD-ROM) 4,5Gb
6)V33 or V56 conventional modem (Built in)
NEW broadband modem 512kbps (Optional Q3 01)
Killer specifications on par with Gamecube performance 2 years earlier with lower cost of goods than all the competition.Since the launch would take place a year after the original took place all the changes have marginall increase in cost except DVD-ROM although 2X NOT 4X as SONY had in PS2.
What do you think would be the situation today with a senario such as this?