Dirt demo on Live Marketplace this Thursday

Well, how about you turn everything at max, take a screenshot, everything at medium, take a screenshot, upload it, and we will compare it to X360 shots ?
Well, how about you turn everything at max, take a screenshot, everything at medium, take a screenshot, upload it, and we will compare it to X360 shots ?

Good idea, here is the PC version at all 4 preset levels. All shots are taken at 1280x768 + 4xMSAA + 16xAF:


Comparing to the 360 version will be difficult unless you can get a frame buffer capture however I did do some visual comparison of these shots against the 360 version on my TV. Initial impressions are that the 360 is running with atleast high level shadows while reflection detail seems to be more like the PC's low setting.
Good idea, here is the PC version at all 4 preset levels. All shots are taken at 1280x768 + 4xMSAA + 16xAF:


Comparing to the 360 version will be difficult unless you can get a frame buffer capture however I did do some visual comparison of these shots against the 360 version on my TV. Initial impressions are that the 360 is running with atleast high level shadows while reflection detail seems to be more like the PC's low setting.

High setting means 2048x2048 shadowmaps, ultra means 4096x4096 res for the shadowmaps. Low for reflections means cubemap with 2 faces and 256x256 res faces. Ultra or high means 6 faces and 512x512 res.
The settings variables can be seen in the Dirt\system\*.xml files and also be tweaked if desired. :smile:
It's a cinch this isn't a rusty, old build somebody dug out of the Recycle Bin. The DiRT demo has extremely high production value.

Most important: it is entertaining. And its appeal is likely to transcend a cult (rallye) following. ;)
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Question about the handling. Will there be a more "sim" handling in the actual game?

The reason I ask:
I played around had a hunch that the handling was much more arcade like then I had imagined so I did the Subaru race on the tarmac. Never once did I left off full throttle. Instead I used the brakes simultaneously with full throttle applied and the handling was not effected. Clearly this isn't right. Maybe I'll wait for full game reviews to see if there is more of a "sim" mode. This discovery was a bit turn off for me.
Question about the handling. Will there be a more "sim" handling in the actual game?

The reason I ask:
I played around had a hunch that the handling was much more arcade like then I had imagined so I did the Subaru race on the tarmac. Never once did I left off full throttle. Instead I used the brakes simultaneously with full throttle applied and the handling was not effected. Clearly this isn't right. Maybe I'll wait for full game reviews to see if there is more of a "sim" mode. This discovery was a bit turn off for me.

doubtful.... sorry... hey we sloppy-ass (don't know how to take a turn without drifting ;)) arcade racers need some love too.
it's certainly a polished looking game, but I can't stand the high contrast, high bloom, high brown 'next gen' look. Sure it's pleasing to look at, but it makes it damned hard to actually see the road in front of you.

I gave the demo a good hour of play, and by the end it was driving me nuts. Especially the germany track in the suby, sometimes half the screen was close to solid black, even with my TV set to max brightness. The dirt buggy track had attrocious bloom. The hill climb looked very, very nice though. They did a very good job of hiding the fairly low detail geometry with foliage and good texture work

Sound was excellent, however there was too much emphasis on the bloody pop off valves and such, making it sound 'cool'. And I really wanted to shoot the narrator. "Dude! Awesome!" has no place in a rally game.
The initial impression, especially the menu system, is fantastic. Polish polish polish. Kill the narrator and it would have been the best first impression ever. The music was excellent too.
The narrator was clearly designed to get the '14 year old american boy' crowd... *chills*

I also got the feeling the AI in the buggy race had more forgiving physics.
Ohh and yes, the damage effects, and especially the roll overs were very convincing.

So overall I'm torn. On the one hand it's fatastically polished, on the other hand it can get in the way of the game actually being fun. And the *ing narrator
I played around had a hunch that the handling was much more arcade like then I had imagined so I did the Subaru race on the tarmac. Never once did I left off full throttle. Instead I used the brakes simultaneously with full throttle applied and the handling was not effected. Clearly this isn't right. Maybe I'll wait for full game reviews to see if there is more of a "sim" mode. This discovery was a bit turn off for me.

ABS (dramatically) shortens the braking distance without a loss of control; and this makes it all too easy to overcompensate. So what happens is that you'll tend to brake harder and later -- IN the corner rather than before it. The first few times around, the car will practically stop before you apply the throttle again. :unsure:

But as you become more familiar with the course, you'll find that the Subie's lateral acceleration is considerably higher than you thought it was. And at this juncture you'll begin to curtail braking, choosing rather to induce drift. ;)

I'm sure Avelsbachring won't be a laughing matter when you're trying to pilot a turbo with a manual transmission ... without ABS. Who knows? This sort of DYI driving might be deemed too realistic even for Robert! (j/k) :LOL:
I gave the demo a good hour of play, and by the end it was driving me nuts. Especially the germany track in the suby, sometimes half the screen was close to solid black, even with my TV set to max brightness.

Yes, at defaut the game is too dark IMO. Fortunatly the PC version has a gamma control which is for some very strange reason missing from the Xbox verision.
The braking power in this game is more like dropping a 10 000lbs anchor, rather than ABS.

True. That's why I said it was "dramatic". In real life the only tangible thing about ABS is that it allows you to maintain some semblance of control. But in the DiRT demo you've got this awesome stopping power with complete control. :cool:

By dumbing down the stability issues (with ABS, TCS and whatnot), the learning curve stays shallow and the driving easy. This allows us to relish other aspects of the demo, like its surreal visuals (for a video game anyway), stunning sound effects, and incredible feedback (vehicle response, for instance, is not instantaneous -- unlike that other driving demo on Xbox Live :sly:).
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Wow, there weren't that far on their "bullshots" The demo is very good. Also, it support the MSFF wheel for those wondering.

I still prefer the 60fps with no motion blur of Forza 2 than 30fps+motion blur but still this demo rocks. I raced all 3 tracks and noticed no slowdows. The controls seemed OK to me but I'm not rally driving expert.

The grass is really cool. Damage modeling is great! The spray off the tires isn't excessive and seems quite accurate as watching rally races on TV. As someone pointed out, lighting, models, AA is all top notch. Hats off to codemasters for a fine game.

This game has THE best intro movie to date since NFS1 and 2 :D Also, while you can't watch replays in the demo I would not be shocked to see that the replays in this game the best you'd see in a racing game to date. That's my prediction, atleast.

yeah. Those ingame GFX are really close to their usuall bullshots. Cant wait for RAIN & Stuff. MOST AUTHENTIC CAR CRASHES EVER! <- :oops: in DIRT
It's certainly not a rally sim. Very arcade like feel, reminded me of RS:Challenge 1&2 (which I enjoyed a lot). A very pronounced break from former Colin McCrae titles.

The coolest thing about this game is the fact it makes the MS FF wheel come to life.

The force feedback must default to a very conservative setting out of the box, as soon as plugging it into teh Dirt demo it was very strong, and when going back to Forza, the strength persisted.

I'm now much happier with the overall feel of the wheel after booting up the dirt demo.
It's certainly not a rally sim. Very arcade like feel, reminded me of RS:Challenge 1&2 (which I enjoyed a lot). A very pronounced break from former Colin McCrae titles.


And that is CERTAINLY not to say that other CMR games were sims. This handling model, though not 'real', is still precisely 40 zillion times better than the one in previous games with regard to realism.
And that is CERTAINLY not to say that other CMR games were sims. This handling model, though not 'real', is still precisely 40 zillion times better than the one in previous games with regard to realism.

Older CMR titles are a lot harder to drive than this. Don't know if that is real or not (never driven a rally car). My main problem with CMR 04 (which is the one I had for the old Xbox) was the camera; it would bounce around with the car's movement given you a headache in no time.

Older CMR titles are a lot harder to drive than this. Don't know if that is real or not (never driven a rally car). My main problem with CMR 04 (which is the one I had for the old Xbox) was the camera; it would bounce around with the car's movement given you a headache in no time.


Yeah 04 and 05 were a little rubbish for me, and I'm a bit of a die hard fan. I can win any stage of CMR3, 2 and 1 pretty much blindfolded lol.

I think this handling model (dirt) will be easy to pickup but hard to master
The coolest thing about this game is the fact it makes the MS FF wheel come to life.

The force feedback must default to a very conservative setting out of the box, as soon as plugging it into teh Dirt demo it was very strong, and when going back to Forza, the strength persisted.

I'm now much happier with the overall feel of the wheel after booting up the dirt demo.

Unleash your MS Wheel! Buy CMR: DIRT. :LOL:

Interesting ... :cool:

[size=-2]"The NewStratos concept sportscar is set to hit the rally tracks in a new computer game, Colin McRae: DiRT, emulating the now legendary exploits of its iconic predecessor which has long since entered the history books as one of the most charismatic rally machines of all time."[/size] - ITALIASPEED